What Iran was Doing as Nuke Deal was Being Signed – IOTW Report

What Iran was Doing as Nuke Deal was Being Signed

ABW- Do you feel like you’re trapped in the middle of a TV reality show based on Rod Sterling’s “Twilight Zone?”  If you don’t feel that way yet, you will when you finish reading this.

Earlier this week, as final details of the “deal” John Kerry negotiated with Iran were being worked out, another similarly (un)favorable deal was being done in a different room. Iranian lawyers were high fiving themselves for being awarded a $5 BILLION settlement after suing the United States government. more

4 Comments on What Iran was Doing as Nuke Deal was Being Signed

  1. Once again the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ mantra comes to mind. In Hussein’s world, anything and anyone that can “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a third world turd is just fine with him. When will this country wake up to the fact that Barry hates America?!

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