What is Bill Gates afraid of? – IOTW Report

What is Bill Gates afraid of?

The mask is finally coming off.


At a moment when the world’s most revered humanitarian faces growing public scrutiny and a fading public profile, what does he do? Try to change the narrative. Over the past year, we’ve seen Bill Gates embark on a powerful PR tour. In addition to his podcast, his blog, and endless speeches and op-eds, he pushed out a five-part self-aggrandising Netflix series last year. And now he’s got a new memoir.

A single volume would not be sufficient for Gates, however, and he has announced that he needs three to tell his life story. The first, Source Code, focuses on his early life, and the initial years of Microsoft, the company that made him a billionaire. As one of the most interviewed and talked about people in history, much of Gates’s personal story has already been told. So what could he tell us at this point that we haven’t heard before? more

19 Comments on What is Bill Gates afraid of?

  1. Gates is simply one of the less-competent Bond villains at this point — the ones he disposes of at the very beigging of the movie, before the title screen comes up and the theme music kicks in.

  2. Indeed he got wealthy via Microsoft, which stole every idea (DOS, the mouse, WEB browser, spreadsheet, word processing, etc.) ‘they’ ever had. Always has been an arrogant, ignorant twit.

  3. He is one of the creepiest people I have ever seen. Watch the videos of him during the Microsoft antitrust hearings, yuck. He makes my stomach turn. A very evil man up to no good.

  4. Ummm hello friends.

    Bill Gates is the poster child for Seattle’s self proclaimed elites that I have been posting about for going on two decades. He is a product of the wicked, nasty, evil culture that Seattle I recognized long before it became fashionable to blame the rot and filth on “it was Californians moving here.” Which is abject and undeniable horseshit. Yes, other shitbags moved and brought their filth with them, but they did not dirty up a previously clean and pure culture in doing so. This shit had arisen organically and was part of the Seattle, and Portland, culture when my family moved here in 1967 as an eight year old kid.

    Bill Gates is the Seattle ideal. The model “precocious” nasty, spoiled, narcissistic fucking little shitbag that the Seattle elites worship and have worshipped for six decades that I am personally familiar with. He is what he is and he is far from unique in the environment he was born, raised and thrived in.

  5. Bill Gates did not write MSDOS, he purchased it from Seattle Computer.
    Gates mother was an activist that got Bill the contract with IBM, he didn’t do it on his own. Bill was not quite on the verge of Idiot/Savant but more close to Autistic.
    Somehow with all his billions he ripped off millions from the folks that use a Microsoft Operating System. Now he shit canned his wife, snuggled up to Epstein and is now funding the creation of millions of mRNA mosquitoes to inoculate the public with a life threatening vaccine. He also working on a sun-dimming technology that will do nothing but cripple plant life that uses CO2 and sunlight to produce oxygen and food.
    Gates is also behind projects that want to capture CO2 and bury it to cut off plant life. Gates can’t figure out that spraying the atmosphere will do nothing more than create a blanket that will warm the planet faster than Al Gore can spit out hot air.

  6. JD Hasty — Please confine your denigration and hatred of Seattle to its politics and not ALL Seattleites. I am (at least) a 4th generation Seattleite and there are thousands and thousands of wonderful Seattleites with whom I have this in common. Our politics changed dramatically with the tech wave. Hundreds of thousands came from CA and it is THAT you may have an issue with. Your constant hating on Seattle hurts me a lot. It’s my home. And no one is more acutely aware of what “used to be” and what we’ve sunk to than I. I frequently drive straight through our downtown core and am reminded — every time — how vibrant, cheerful, exciting, and really wonderful Seattle used to be. I also drive our neighborhoods and it brings me to tears to see how out-of-control our city government is. Just thought you’d like to know that your words are needlessly strong and everyone knows how you feel about Seattle.

  7. It was fashionable in Seattle to at least tolerate moral degeneracy in 1967 when we moved here. At least tolerate it, that developed into openly celebrating it. I too have friends who have lived in Seattle all of their lives and are good people who have suffered under it. But Bill Gates is a product of that culture and his father was a major player in the 1950s and unfortunately far too many thought that it is not true that what you tolerate you will get more of. My inclination is too many lacked the courage to go against the prevailing sentiment and say “no, I oppose that, that is wrong.” It is not only wrong, it only leads to increased innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    By the mid 1980s Seattle was not a fun place at all.

  8. Where did the child/trans movement come from? Did it just spring up out of nowhere all of a sudden? You might want to go beyond what the internet censors are hiding and learn about Seattle Children’s Hospital and their decades long part in this demonic effort.

  9. The progressive movement had a strong presence in Seattle in the 1950s and Bill Gates father was a major player. By the time we arrived In Washington it was evident that the Christian virtue of tolerance had been co opted by the bastards and their twisted and corrupt version sold to good and decent people who were not able to recognize that tolerance and the go along to get attitude being sold by media across the country Ed part of the plan to further inculcate the collective understanding that using Christian virtues as a device to drive their agenda was useful to the cause of those who had intentions that were far from consistent with any legitimate interpretation of their practical application.

    Unfortunately for the good and decent people who built Seattle the naive were only too willing to go along to get along because it had also become unfashionable to stand up to assholes like Hunthausen and his ilk and the media also decided who could and who did not gave an effective voice. This allowed the progressive/Marxist/Satanists to take over local, then push it out and take over County government. In 2004 they flat out stole the gubernatorial election, in broad daylight and have used the same bullshit to take over State government and have been pushing the same bullshit out into every corner of the State of Washington. Their twisted interpretation of Christian tolerance being accepted as legitimate is what has absolutely resulted in the deliberate and systematic destruction of Seattle and has allowed them to inflict increased innocent human suffering, misery and death on the good and decent minority living there. They are using the same model to do the same throughout the State. Bill Gates knows that and he knows how the game is played. Up until this point far too many have been afraid to call a spade a spade, lest they be labeled and called intolerant or bigot or whatever.

  10. And I’m totally sympathetic to the good, decent people who live in Seattle. They are victims of the prevailing culture there and have nothing to do with advancing the rot that flows from their government and institutions that have been totally subsumed into the progressive movement. They are truly victims who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m hoping that this Administration cuts off all access to federal funding across the board and completely shuts this shit down. It’s been being subsidized by the federal government and our taxes we pay have been being used against us for long enough. Shut off federal funding and the wheels come off.

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