What Is Going On in Canada??? – IOTW Report

What Is Going On in Canada???

Some guy wants to… Well… I’ll let Viva Frei explain it.

17 Comments on What Is Going On in Canada???

  1. Simple solution would be to remove the penis, build the mangina, then re-attach the penis to his forehead. The only problem would be that the testicles may obstruct his vision. But, what the hell – it’s Canada, eh?

  2. @ Kcir – Stuck in Canuckistan Monday, 8 April 2024, 8:09 at 8:09 am,

    Ack! The sky is falling, the sky is falling! (Whilst running in circles as if my hair is on fire and my ass is catching).

  3. Canada wants to outperve the US. I think they’re doing it.

    Abbie Hoffman (or one of other Chicago 7) went up there in 1970-71 and castigated them for being too polite and not radical enough. The Canucklepeople took it too literally and now want to lead the US in perversion.

    “We’ll show those Yanks just how perverse we can be. No more Mr. Polite”.

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