What is Going On in This Video With the Pope? He aggressively prevents the kissing of the papal ring – IOTW Report

What is Going On in This Video With the Pope? He aggressively prevents the kissing of the papal ring

It seems the Pope is a little turned off by the faithful kissing his ring.

The video is so disturbing I had to poke around to see if this was real or a comedy show that hired a body double.

It’s real.

ht/ js

26 Comments on What is Going On in This Video With the Pope? He aggressively prevents the kissing of the papal ring

  1. That is just messed up. Has he done this before?
    How about not wearing it at all instead of treating the followers like shit?
    You could see some of the people were hurt or confused.
    I feel bad for them. That’s awful.

  2. I agree, MJA. If that was gonna be his policy, for whatever reason, how ’bout letting everyone know BEFORE they got up to him and not allow these people to be put in such an uncomfortable, embarrassing situation.

    At first I thought maybe it was for sanitary reasons during flu season (which wouldn’t be a bad idea), but he was also yanking them up when they tried to kneel. And these poor bastids, waiting a lifetime to meet the pope, go away thinking they’ll be damned to Hell for doing something wrong.

  3. I think it’s blasphemy to even bow to him, he is not God, he’s just another human being who wipes his butt like the rest of us. I won’t apologize for what I have said here. JMHO.

  4. Wow, lemmings. Don’t these pathetic followers see that the “pope” was avoiding their attempts to kiss his ring?
    One after another hapless devotee, locked in a rigid religious doctrine tried to kiss that ring, even after witnessing the Pope’s rebuke over and over. BTW, no fan of this reprobate pope.

  5. The ” DOPE ”
    is a jerk
    just like Obama was in the USA

    He doesn’t need to be taken down
    They only need to expose the Roman Church
    for what it is and always has been

    A cult of hypocrisy and wealth accumulation
    and incredibly

    All in the name of a man who had



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