What Is Joe Doing? – IOTW Report

What Is Joe Doing?

Is he tired? In pain? Cranky?

28 Comments on What Is Joe Doing?

  1. Nice Herman’s Hermit’s song that you don’t hear very often. And he does look like he was dropping a deuce into his skivvies just like a baby with no control over its bowels would do. Like what Bug would say, “Ain’t he a stinker.”

  2. Do joey’s Depends have blowout barriers in them like in the ads for Pampers? He looks like the toddler in the Pampers ad who just took a big one in his diapers, with a sigh of relief on his face. I changed enough diapers on my 3 kids when they were little and believe me blowouts of the runny, squishy kind were the worst.

  3. Uncle Al
    TUESDAY, 28 MAY 2024, 2:29 AT 2:29 AM
    “I just know what he’s NOT doing: He’s not dying. Dammit.”

    We may fix that before long.

    We have a nice collection of MAGA hats for our guys to wear while “ordering events”.

    Just waiting for the word.

  4. Why did they make me come here on a holiday weekend? I belong at the beach.

    Where’s my watch? They took my watch away from me because they knew I’d be checking to see how much longer before my chocolate chocolate chip double scoop.


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