What is the worst expression you can use with a victim of gay molestation? – IOTW Report

What is the worst expression you can use with a victim of gay molestation?

“Suck it up.”

That’s pretty much the perfect punch line, but it was said in earnest by 85 year-old writer Gay Talese.


Asked by a Vanity Fair reporter at the Library Lions Gala in New York who he would like to profile, the 85-year old author responded, “I would like to talk to Kevin Spacey.”

“I feel so sad, and I hate that actor that ruined this guy’s career,” Talese said. “So, OK, it happened 10 years ago . . . Jesus, suck it up once in a while!”

He added, “I would like to ask (Spacey) how it feels to lose a lifetime of success and hard work all because of 10 minutes of indiscretion 10 years or more ago.”

Talese implied that Spacey was singled out.

“You know something, all of us in this room at one time or another did something we’re ashamed of. The Dalai Lama has done something he’s ashamed of,” he told the Vanity fair reporter. “The Dalai Lama should confess . . . put that in your magazine!”

Spacey has seen his career derailed since the allegations emerged.


It’s time for the Jello factory, Gay.

You can stay in your robe, get some visits every month or so, and watch TCM.

It’ll be nice.


29 Comments on What is the worst expression you can use with a victim of gay molestation?

  1. CBS Sunday Morning did a glowing piece on this moral degenerate back in February.

    HE abandoned his wife and daughters to go manage a massage parlor and live at a swinger nudist colony.

    Not exactly a character witness for Spacey’s decades of pedophilia. Probably a few small pairs of underwear in his trophy case too.

  2. Same thing can be said of the guy who jacked up a 7-11 and pulled the trigger on the poor schlub behind the counter ten years ago – who “… lose a lifetime of success and hard work all because of 10 minutes of indiscretion 10 years or more ago.”

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die – Talese.

    Lives were ruined. Souls destroyed.

    Killing a human soul is, maybe, worse than killing his body.
    This is the evil creed: “What difference, after all this time, does it make?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Vanity Fair is not a thing. Puh-leeze.

    I’m tired of Conservative media types dignifying VF as if it’s some legitimate serious intellectual forum with gravitas.

    Just another trivial Lefty digital sausage factory for churning out the Lefty-metrosexual-lifestyle message. Which is always pro-Gay, and now openly pro-Pedo.

    Watch the Left now try to spin the Spacey scandal into a pro-MBLA gay-pedo wedge opening.
    That’s what the push for pre-pubescent children to “declare” themselves as “gay” or “trans” has been pre-conditioning the public for, from the beginning.
    Next: “Who are we to say their Love is wrong?”

    But Vanity Fair? Handle with gloves, and disposable tongs.

  4. Like when the atheist whack-job murders 26 people and is brought down by a civilian with a rifle, the clown fag who wants to run the VA says it is “insane” that ordinary citizens are allowed to own rifles. Hot Takes can make one sound foolish, lefties. Check your verbiage.

  5. Suck it up is crude but the more damaging one was made by Norman Mailer who said that “culture is worth a little risk”.

    That was after he helped free Jack Henry Abbott following The Executioner’s Song and Abbott killed a waiter six weeks later over not being allowed to use the cafe bathroom.

    Susan Sarandon then named her first son Jack Henry.

    When they say culture is worth the risk, what they really mean is your life is worth the risk.

    In this case, young boys being sodomized is worth the cultural reward of The Usual Suspects.

  6. “That was after he helped free Jack Henry Abbott following The Executioner’s Song and Abbott killed a waiter six weeks later over not being allowed to use the cafe bathroom.”

    And that was well after Mailer stabbed his wife.

  7. I have to ask this question, because I’ve been wondering this for years: What is Gay Talise famous for? Did he write a great novel, or just suck a lot of famous dick? I really don’t know, and I don’t feel like googling this dickhead. Waste of my time.

  8. The old man better watch his tongue. At 85 I’m not sure he could survive a punch in his mouth by one of Spacey’s victims. Yes, Mr. Talese, there was more then one and I would have to suspect there were dozens or more but only a couple have come forward. You see, once a predator like that sees that he can get away with it there’s no stopping him.

  9. Kevin Spacey’s a dirty lowdown motherf’r from wayback when and that’s his thing. Gay Talese, to even empathize with this creep in the slightest, is okay with such deviancy.

    Gay Talese‘s name sucks. I never read any of his books but saw a movie on TV based on one of his books, Honor Thy Father.

    Pedophiles are coming out of the woodworks. https://apple.news/A7KGKOj_4QOiaCLLZgpvb6

  10. How about hating the pedo scum that victimized ‘that actor.’

    “I hate that actor that ruined this guy’s career,”

    How about loving the actor that managed to overcome his assault?

    Liberals are evil.

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