What is this rapist admitting about Muslim culture? – IOTW Report

What is this rapist admitting about Muslim culture?

UK: Muslim migrant rapist blames his rape on “cultural differences” and “not understanding British law”

jihad watch-

There is good reason for him to have been confused. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.


16 Comments on What is this rapist admitting about Muslim culture?

  1. I’m reminded of Sir Charles Napier, Queen Victoria’s Governor of Sindh in India, who objected to the Hindu custom of sati (or suttee): burning the widow alive on her husband’s funeral pyre. His objections in their turn objected to by the priests, who said that sati was a customary religious rite and that he should respect it.

    He said:

    Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.

    In the civilized world, as distinct from the world of mohammadmen, it is the national custom to arrest, jail, and try rapists, and upon conviction sentence them to long prison terms or in particularly heinous cases to be put to death. These barbarians ought to respect our national customs.

  2. Nice touch with the unfrozen caveman lawyer bit from back when SNL was actually funny. I miss Phil Hartman.

    As for muzzle zombies raping and wreaking terror in a country that welcomes and enables them? That story is getting old.

    Permission granted to take control of your miserable fucking lives.

  3. British women should be allowed to carry small caliber handguns When an attacker arrives, one shot to the crotch should handle the situation. Be a dear, be sure to call an ambulance after you get home. If several hours go by, bo problem, it is the intent that counts!

  4. Here’s the thing: When womyn (of all genders) who insist that womyn have every right, indeed, a cultural obligation, to dress in a manner that would mortify a Victorian street whore… hire thugs to put guns in my face and demand my wallet, weekly, to afford more bullets to enforce my “sit down, shut up, and Obey”… so I do not engender badfeelz about their importation of people who know that dressing as immodestly as a Victorian street whore is a mortal offense… I can’t even muster an eye roll, let alone a “Meh”.

  5. “British women should be allowed to carry small caliber handguns…”

    I couldn’t read the rest. Was laughing too hard at the idea of G.B. allowing their citizenry to defend themselves with guns. Hell – at all with anything. They aren’t even allowed to defend themselves verbally – Hate Speech! ha ha ha! Whew. Might as well wave a wand and disappear all the Muslims.

    Just as likely to happen. Going to gave to come up with a different idea, that’s for sure.

    As it is, G.B. is headed for the rubbish pile of history. There will be a day all their statues and memorials will be destroyed and the muslim children will be taught that they have always been in G.B. and those rumors of another culture being there is pure fantasy alongside Atlantis.

    It’s what they do.

  6. I think the best season of SNL was a time that is not that revered. 1984.

    Christopher Guest, Billy Crystal, Martin Short, Harry Shearer, Rich hall and Julia Louis-Dreyfus… and Jim Belushi.

    Runner up would be the season with Farley, Spade, Sandler, Mike Meyers and Chris Rock.

    Best cast member of all time is Phil Hartmann.
    Best female, I think, would be Cheri Oteri. She was demented.

  7. SNL started going downhill once the original cast got diluted and eventually replaced. The original Not Ready for Prime Time Players were (in alpha order):

    Dan Aykroyd
    John Belushi
    Chevy Chase
    Jane Curtin
    Garrett Morris
    Laraine Newman
    Gilda Radner

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