What Is This Trip Trying To Prove? – IOTW Report

What Is This Trip Trying To Prove?

13 Comments on What Is This Trip Trying To Prove?

  1. I thought it was obvious. She has a ton of money invested over there. She’s just checking on wadup. Taiwan Semi is building a huge facility in the Phoenix area. By the way.
    No matter why, she called the paper tigers bluff. Fuck those guys. I’m wondering if Charlie Flynn wasn’t trying to draw them out with the bull shit grounding of the F35s. Two F22 could probably take out their entire air farce. I hate the ChiComs.
    Remember back when Trump launched the Missile strike on the Russian Mercenaries while dining with Zing Pinger. I sure miss having a set of testicles in the White House.

  2. all a bunch of bullshit
    you think Pedo Peter & his crew would do anything w/out CCP approval … ask yourself … who holds the Biden Crime Family’s purse strings?

    it was all a setup from jump street. announcing Pelousi was going in the first place, which they never do. this was supposed to be a false operation to show Pedo Pete was tough against the chicoms …. buuuuuut ….
    Pedo Pete blew it when he mentioned that the Pentagon was against it.

    so, they had to go w/ Plan B & do the Aswami Al Salami drone assassination … that guy was probably dead a few months ago from a heart attack & they were just saving it for a convenient occasion … presto! like clockwork, it the only time in recorded history that Pedo Pete has agreed to use US force against foreign insurrection
    (do you really think they care about what’s going on in Afghanistan after they gave it away so ignobly?)

    this clown has always voted or disagreed w/ the use of force. he even voted (the only one, btw, in O’Breezy’s cabinet!) to not use force to take out Osama bin Bombin …
    his MO has always been to bribe other countries … he famously quipped to just give the Iranians billions for the Embassy hostages during the Carter debacle

    these clowns are so weak that even America knows how embarrassing they are

    I am highly skeptical of anything that comes out of our government, & it’s attendant media, these days … go figure

  3. The “leak” was not planned, it was idiot Joe shooting off his mouth again. Remember, he spilled the beans on the government bomb shelter, and worse, he gave up Seal Team 6. The jackass just can’t keep a secret. “We’ve assembled the greatest most extensive voter fraud operation in history.”


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