Moon Landing Hoax
The moon landing hoax theory is absurd and baseless and all of the “evidence” is either made up or wildly misconstrued. All in an effort to undermine one of America’s greatest achievements. Here I am debunking the dumbest conspiracy theory of all time:
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 29, 2024
I followed all the NASA rocket programs in the 60s and 70s including the X15 and watched them on ANALOG TV BEFORE there was any such thing as Digital Effects! So, yeah, it was real!!
IDK…it seems like some really janky looking gear was used to cruise around the moon. Also the camera capturing things that would indicate someone was in position to take the images while the craft came and went. And that NASA taped over the films because they ran out of film and needed to reuse them. And that NASA said the technology has been lost and they can’t possibly recreate that tech today while in 2024, 2 year olds are walking around with amazing computers in their hands in the form of Smart Phones.
IDK, but I’m leaning toward the deniers
did you even watch Matt Walsh’s essay?
NASA has never said we don’t have the technology any longer to go to the moon. EVER.
Also the camera capturing things that would indicate someone was in position to take the images while the craft came and went.>>>
What are you talking about?
The moon landing was done at a time when America had integrity and a government that could be trusted. NASA and the space program was staffed with brilliant people, not DEI hires. Things may not have be perfect back then but compared to today there was a lot more trust. Except for the news, them bastards lied to us all the time. And NASA now tells us about global warming cause that’s what keeps them funded.
it seems like some really janky looking gear was used to cruise around the moon.>>. So the “conspiracy” was uncovered because they dropped the ball making a convincing lunar module?
BFH – When I worked at NASA Lewis the old timers there said that to recreate a Saturn 5 would require starting from scratch as they only saved the blue prints for so long then threw then out.
There is absolutely ZERO CHANCE the moon landing was faked. ZERO.
I am extremely disappointed that someone could cavalierly dismiss one of America’s greatest achievements, but won’t watch a 10 minute essay, and then comment on the points being made in that essay.
The blueprints for the Saturn V rocket are stored on microfilm at Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Federal Archives in East Point, Ga., also house 2,900 cubic feet of Saturn documents.
But, I do not even understand the point of a denier saying “we don’t have the blueprints” as if that means we didn’t go to the moon.
We had the rocket… 15 times, and used 13 of them.
@BFH — The plans, drawings, and blueprints still exist, as you know. What NASA didn’t save/preserve were jigs and tooling. Yeah, those could be reproduced but it’d be a very large project. On top of that, think of how many people we’d have to train how to use slide rules.
I’m just telling you what they said…
Tho it does make perfect sense that they would store them somewhere on microfilm.
Yes, Al. Many of the companies that supplied the parts are out of business. NASA did not “build” everything that got us to the moon alone, they contracted to many, many companies. I believe General Motors and Boeing made the Lunar rover, for example. When people say we don’t have the technology, they don’t mean we can;’t figure out how to go, they mean we don’t have the parts sitting on a shelf somewhere like a plumbing supply store. Wording has been cynically diminished to propel the agenda that America sucks, and I don’t now why the right participates in that.
As Matt Walsh says in the video, there is more evidence that we went to the moon than there is evidence that George Washington existed.
Lighten up Francis…..
Sorry BFH. I was lazy and didn’t watch…Just jumped in with my 2 cents based on some things that have crossed my path. I feel like shit being spanked by BFH 😨 please forgive me
“What NASA didn’t save/preserve were jigs and tooling”
Yea, that was the sixties. Just give me an electronic model, I’ll make it. Or the print, I’ll model it my self and then machine it. Plus or minus a gnats ass. LOL
“I am extremely disappointed that someone could cavalierly dismiss one of America’s greatest achievements, but won’t watch a 10 minute essay, and then comment on the points being made in that essay.”
My feeling exactly. In fact I just shake my head and walk a way. Why bother.
You have not been spanked. You’re engaging in dialogue and it is much appreciated.
I even appreciate the “lighten up, Francis” ahole. lololl.
@BFH Don Pettit said in a video interview you can go watch right now, and I quote “I’d go back to the moon in a nanosecond, but unfortunately we destroyed that technology and it’s a painful process to build it back again.” This and many other Pettit interviews clearly show his intellect to be on par with a potted houseplant!
“When people say we don’t have the technology, they don’t mean we can;’t figure out how to go, they mean we don’t have the parts sitting on a shelf ”
And why would they have saved it. It was old tech. It’s not like they needed replacement parts to keep the capsule operational. I’m not sure what happened to NASA’s momentum but I’m thinking it had something to do with no budget.
Since you drove me down the rabbit hole… (great vid BTW)
Here is a vid titled ‘Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually’:
I hate to say this, but imma gonna. I am most disappointed in many falling prey to the “we didn’t do that” mantra, mostly because the pool saying that has grown, and the reason it has grown, and they say it more now is because it was primarily a bunch of white guys who got us there and the left hates that. So, instead of denigrating a fantastic feat by looking for ridiculous anomalies, and joining the white men haters club, celebrate it.
Brad, Not only was it budget, but it was public apathy. We sent 12 men to walk on the moon in 6 separate missions. No one cared anymore, and we accomplished what we needed to w/o any Americans dying in space. For anyone that didn’t watch Walsh’s rant, he makes an excellent point. The same year we went to the moon, the Concorde jet went across the Atlantic at 1354 mph. It began shuttling passengers in 1976. Today, we don’t have that available any longer for passengers. Was the Concorde a hoax?? No. One crash sunk the industry and the desire to go 1500 mph.
We went backwards compared to 1976. It happens.
My father-in-law was part of the space program. He engineered the gloves the astronauts wore. He told me stories of performing spacesuit testing on earth. He also told me about studying the suits upon their return and seeing things that happened to the fabric, etc. that never occurred during the earth testing (extreme UV radiation intensity that even they didn’t predict). He was on the ship when they recovered the astronauts after splash-down. He wouldn’t have lied to me.
I wonder what proportion of moon landing deniers are also “flat earthers.”
And/or biden voters who believe the election was legitimate.
I had an uncle that worked for Aerojet General at the time and they were working on all kinds of different parts and assemblies. But when NASA farmed parts and assemblies they didn’t own those designs. Whom ever they farmed them did. Just the opposite of what our military does. In fact I’ll bet GM did all the engineering on that rover. All NASA cared about is it met their criteria. That’s probably why they can’t locate a lot of the old designs. In fact I’d say it’s fair to say NASA contracted the vast majority of that project.
I know the US went to the moon. India, however, I have doubts.
I think Concorde had already been canceled because it wasn’t profitable. Cabin was very narrow so they had far fewer seats. In fact I believe that was to be the final flight – before it cemented itself as such, well, literally.
The challenge to defeat the sound barrier economically has proven to be tough. That’s why all carriers fly at around 0.9 Mach. Facilities were an issue too, very few airports allowed the SSTs. I have seen occasional reports of new designs – I expect we will see a Concorde replacement by 2030.
When I was seventeen, my high school flight class were given the red-carpet tour of the Johnson Manned Space Center in Clear Lake, Texas. It was right in the middle of the manned moon missions. We got to enter the facilities where astronauts were in the midst of training for flights to the moon. We spoke to many engineers and saw several of the astronauts during the course of their rigorous training from behind glassed-in balcony’s. Since that day, it was clear to me that there was nothing fake about the moon missions. Nearly 400,000 people were involved in making the moon missions possible. The thought that it never happened is ridiculous. If two or more people are in on a secret, it won’t be a secret very long.
Of course we didn’t go to the moon! No rocketship can get past the firmament!!……………………..You round earthers make me sick!………………….
Back in the 60’s an electronic technician could troubleshoot circuits to the component level to repair the equipment. The military stopped teaching that in the mid 80’s. Most EE engineers today can’t go deeper than board level unless they have had additional training. We had the technology and a few highly trained very smart people still do. Today’s engineers are not trained to the level engineers were trained in the 60’s and 70’s without extensive post graduate training.
Point in case: I was USAF Crypto Maintenance where I was trained to repair at component level in the early 80’s. I had follow up training on computer mainframe maintenance at component level. My last job I worked for a company that made runway friction coefficient testing equipment. I worked along side a mid 20’s guy that had graduated Cum Laude with an EE from a prominent Tech university. I ended up being QA on all of his work and I constantly fixed things that he screwed up. He knew the theory but could not translate it to practical application or solder worth a crap.
1973 was a pivotal year. The last moon mission had been flown and abortion was made legal. Things have steadily gotten worse since then.
i DID NOT work on the APOLLO PROJECT during my time in Aerospace. That was before my time. I watched the 69 moon landing in our quarters in Japan while in the service.
After my time in the military however, id did work in the aerospace industry and made friends from across many fields…from the Apollo Project, to engineers that worked for Kelly Johnson at SKUNK WORKS that developed the SR-71.
I have had the honor to know some of the greatest minds in our aerospace community during my time and will cherish it forever.
And as for the APOLLO PROJECT, I hired a lab assistant who was looking for a job, he left North American Rockwell where he was a senior Quility Control Tech on the Command Module Unit. He had to relocate due to a death in the family and left So. Cal to move up North. I learned a lot about the APOLLO PROJECT from him in our time working together.
But as it may, I still think those who deny our moon landing wass faked…I think those same people still think biden got 81 million votes!
Speaking of no Americans dying in space, the Apollo 13 story has always impressed me. I could watch that movie again, even if Tom Hanks is in it.
I still think those who deny our moon landing wass faked…I think those same people still think biden got 81 million votes!>>
Clarification, please.
I don’t doubt a moon landing.
For one, the US destroyed all the technology that got to the moon in the first place. Dumb ass environmentalists killed all the sealing agents that isolated the stages of the booster engines. For some reason NASA decided to destroy all the engineering diagrams that took us there.
Secondly, since the IQ of mankind has dropped 17 points or more since the 60’s. I don’t think there is enough intelligence to state a case that man could actually go to the moon today. Back when I was a young engineer I saw myself thousands of design diagrams that no longer exist today. I have been told more than once to shut up about NASA missions. For the sceptics, the Van Allen radiation belt has peaks and valleys that can be calculated to reduce the radiation exposure. That is why there was nighttime launches. Did we go to the moon? Yes, I believe we did. Can we go to Mars as the stupefied group of people that exist today? No way in hell. The ideology that put us there in the beginning has been replace by the stupidity of feeding the filth and trash crossing our borders, degrading our society and telling Yeshua the Messiah to go fuck himself. Please forgive me Lord
Van Alan belts. We can’t send astronauts through them, by NASA’s own admission. The shielding does not exist today and it sure as hell didn’t exist back then.
“I have had the honor to know some of the greatest minds in our aerospace community during my time ”
It would pop the wax out of most people ears if they knew how much of the technology has bled over into the private sector. It’s literally fueled our economy and our ability to innovate.
I’ve never really looked at the “moon landing was faked” information. I watched the video and am unimpressed with the explanations he gives, especially the “too many people were involved and would talk”. How many people tried to say something 50 years ago but were unable to make their voices heard? Take away the internet and look at what we would have seen with covid. MILLIONS of healthcare workers world-wide lied about what was happening to people and KILLED people to save their jobs. No internet means we would not have heard other voices from around the world. Only NBC, ABC and CBS. Just like today, they toed the “official” line.
JFK was killed by Oswald
Pearl Harbor was attacked without notice.
The moon landing was faked.
Two of those have been debunked. Will the third one also be shown to be false? I don’t believe so, but I can see why other people have doubts.
That should say “the moon landing was real”. I don’t mean to give the impression I doubt it really happened.
“Clarification, please.”
They’re fucked up. LOL. Sorry. But as a guy who’s been machining precision Aerospace parts all my life, I really do take offense. Even though this was much before my time. The Aerospace and Military industry is process driven. Before ISO it was 45208A. You can’t fake that shit. Not even from the beginning. Not even with a green screen. Did that exist back then? OK, I’m done. LOL
tctsunami – a government that could be trusted? How much did you SMOKE/TAKE, etc. during the 60s? The decade was just 3 years old when the vice president conspired with the CIA/FBI/Secret Service and the military bureaucracy, to MURDER THE SITTING PRESIDENT. Then they spent the next couple of years actively covering up the murder, murdering others who could reveal the truth, etc. all while waging a war in Vietnam that was little more than cover for CIA heroin running in the region, all while the government was destroying the fabric of society by destroying private property rights, business rights, and setting the races against each other in the process. LBJ’s rampant “guns and butter” spending spree was bankrupting the nation, ultimately forcing Nixon’s move to end out final link to gold in the early 70s. And you DON’T think that this government of “integrity” would go out of its way to LIE to the American people all to save face and make itself look more successful than our Soviet counterparts while we were losing the Vietnam war, etc.?? I have a bridge and some Florida swamp land I’d love to sell you too.
Matt Walsh is out to lunch on this. Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, Neil Armstrong. After Jack Ruby pretended to shoot Oswald, the CIA and the mafia spirited Oswald away to lay low for a while. Some people threatened to blow the whistle on this whole scheme, so the NSA booked them a flight on the last Concorde which, as we now know, crashed because it flew right past the edge of the earth and very nearly fell off before the plane was damaged trying to return to solid ground. Then Lee Harvey Oswald went into engineering but screwed up and made the girders holding up the twin towers flammable (if not explosive), so now he’s buried in the end zone of Giant’s stadium with Jimmy Hoffa.
Anyway, the beings who faked the pictures on the moon were actually the Roswell aliens that NASA recruited to be part of the conspiracy.
There may be a few holes in my theories, but I’m sticking to them anyway.
And NASA and it’s engineers and it’s sub contractors didn’t have a God damn thing to do with that. And by the way Reagan ended the Gold Standard.
Do you realize how many Engineers, Designers, Quality Control people, Manufacturing Engineers, Metallurgists, were involved in what you call a hoax. And you think they’d all stay quite. I have something to sell you.
I sewed up the fake astronauts in my basement in 1894. My wife and I did all of the stop-action photography.
I am a complete denier. This makes me question why NOW the Resurrection of this ancient hoax. I noticed extra vicious shills on Reddit lately. Something is pushing this.
There are numerous huge holes in the Apollo movie series. Start with the crappy F-1 engines. If they were so good, why are they totally scrapped now? They were junk, that is why. Low impulse kerosene fuel, terrible flame instabilities, turbine troubles…on and on.
Then the impossible retro landing in a vacuum, no landing pad, no guide radar beacons, no nothing. Look folks, even NOW little toy probes are crash landing.
Another big gaping hole is the fake “Space Suit”. I dare you to google this, and you will find out that Nasa still does not have a good one.
Matt said that only 60% of Americans believe we landed in the moon, the other 40% have varying degrees of disbelief. I am shocked that a few people commenting here, who are usually level-headed people, have been sucked in with the 40% of idiots who deny we went to the moon. As Matt said, there is nothing that would convince them. Side note: I guess my late father was one of the co-conspirators; he was an engineer on the Hughes Surveyor unmanned lunar lander that preceded Apollo. One of the Apollo missions brought back parts from one of the Surveyors. He saw the parts, I have a copy of the report . SMH.
“I am a complete denier.”
You’re shitting me. Some how I knew you would be. It was the Jews.
With good optics you can see the shit they left on the moon. Is that a hoax, too? And the reflectors they still use to this day?
What Wyatt said.
I saw Elvis working on a state road crew last week.
yes.. you can see lunar module tracks..
>Apollo 11, planted solar-powered seismometers. These devices detect and measure moonquakes — tremors that pass through the moon. The astronauts also left behind mirrors. When paired with lasers on Earth, the mirrors can be used to precisely measure the distance between Earth and the moon.>
What were the scientists bouncing their lasers off of in 1969?
Walsh is right.. No amount of evidence will convince an ardent denier. In fact, they will get mad at hard evidence. The number one piece of evidence for me was the fact that the Soviet Union monitored the entire mission and did not scream HOAX!!!!!
the Moon Landings were real …. trouble is, we’re all fake!
Buy stock in Dixie Cups … the South shall rise again!!!
(psssst … did you know that Lee Harvey Griswold was the great-great grandson of John Winkie Booth? … true fact! … it’s on the Internet …. ’cause I just wrote it, so it must be true! … I blame the Amish … can’t trust them … look out for those folks)
Explain, you deniers, the 1201, and 1202 alarms. Was that set dressing?
Reminded of the flat earther I know.
It ended in August 1971 by Nixon. That’s why inflation was so horrible under Ford and Carter. And just because thousands of folks worked on and built lots of stuff does NOT mean that what they built took men to the moon and back. Nearly nobody knew everything that was going on. Quite easy to control those who did know it all. They just murdered Kennedy after all.
I find it easy to believe we landed twelve men on the moon, but I have trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Taylor Swift is so popular.
Actually, I was the first man to walk on the Moon.
And the Moon landings ARE real – I’ve done it many times.
The dude in the woods didn’t prove chit.
If they can scam 3/15 anything is possible.
Nobody said the space program is fake.
Orbiting the earth is swell, like Nascar, take a right.
What’s the hold up Bezo, Musk, Nasa.
My phone still doesn’t work, but they chatted with the moon in 69.
Without a single can you hear me know.
Paychecks and Pensions.
Everyone is overlooking the obvious. It’s the Moon that’s fake. NASA is just a movie studio that pioneered the green screen technologies.
The whole “space race” is just a bunch of closeted, over-intellectual white men projecting their warped sexual fantasies into “outer space”. Could there be a more blatant Freudian example of mass psychosis?
My mind is made up. My belief is unshakeable.
i thot the moon was made of cheese ………..
I was told by the family of one my friends that the moon landing was fake. At the time, they were all seated around the television watching professional wrestling, which they all swore was absolutely the real deal. All I could think of was that they must have eaten a lot of lead paint chips or grew up living under power lines.
If the increasing number of people who think that the moon landing was faked I’d put good money on them being democRATz. The further we get from an event, the more that planting a seed of doubt takes effect, which is exactly what democRATz and their propaganda do.
Might as well say the Constitution is fake… maybe that’s why they’re ignoring it!
The Mythbusters took this one on in an entire episode 27 August 2008.
They proved that the moon landing was real.
Unfortunately, I can’t find a free YT copy to post and link here.
Elementary trust issue. The problem with trust. Solipsism is a real thing and is a real problem in the end for any large organized system, and solipsism is a result of the organized system gruesomely, constantly abusing the trust of members of that system.
World Trade Center 7 was never actually built.
We no longer have the blueprints…
Buzz Aldrin shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll…
The Titanic never sunk…
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still flying around the world…
BTW Fur, this blog has so many tin-foil hatted mofos I consider it a feature, not a bug.
I am fascinated by some of the bizarre, unfounded crap spilled here on a daily basis.
Not bashing, it genuinely entertains me…
I especially like the idea that we would send actual moon rocks to universities around the world, including those in Moscow, yet none of them ever said they were simply rocks gathered from Arizona.
You Bastid. LOL
Yes, Fur chastised me for calling it a blog before as well.
Why the derision?
PS, I’ll just be leaving this right here…
Blog: NOUN
a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style:
Wyatt, you ARE completely nuts. Jimmy Hoffa isn’t buried in Giant’s stadium, just his liver. That summer when he was missing, I, along with dozens of others, took road trips all over the country. We each were given one body part (I can’t tell you what I got) and we were to do some hiking in National parks and other famous sites and bury them all over.
My group of friends drove to WA and buried his ____ on Mt. Rainier. Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone!