What Medium Do You Think This Student’s Art Project Is Executed With? – IOTW Report

What Medium Do You Think This Student’s Art Project Is Executed With?

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Have A Happy, Thoughtful and Reflective Memorial Day!



ht/ ObamaPlease

16 Comments on What Medium Do You Think This Student’s Art Project Is Executed With?

  1. From Larry: “War and violence is the only thing you conservative flag wavers know.”

    Not exactly. We also know economics, rule of law, bullshit when we see it, and mentally disadvantaged people when they open their pie holes.

    Would you like some pie?

  2. War and violence is the only thing you conservative flag wavers know.

    It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it Larry? Of course, we’ve had a lot of leftists to oppose over the last century (you know, the ones that call for – and commit – the assassination of world leaders, firebomb police stations, and set entire cities on fire over court cases that don’t go their way), so unfortunately we’ve had to start speaking the only language they know.

  3. where did he get those plastic army men? the first white guy on the left looks like an American, the second guy looks like a German WWII artillery spotter & the two dudes on the right look like French from WWI …. oh well, they were all made in China …. like they know …. or care

    great job kid

    (I’m an a-hole for details… I booed the movie ‘Patton’ ’cause they used M-47 Patton tanks for the Germans… for cryin’ out loud!)

  4. In the film, the PT 109 and all other PT boats are depicted as being painted in the same standard gray paint scheme used by larger warships of the US Navy. Although many 78′ Higgins and 80′ Elco PT boats were likely delivered from the manufacturer in such a paint scheme, all historical records indicate that the real PT 109 and the other boats in its squadron were painted green in order to better blend into their daytime anchorages or moorings adjacent to island jungles at forward operating bases. The most common green color scheme of this period was designated as Design 5P and incorporated Navy Green over a base coat of Ocean Green.[10]

    PT 109 is reported missing and a search is started. According to National Geographic and the original book, the boat explosion was observed from other PT boats in the vicinity and it was given up as lost. A memorial service was held at the motor torpedo boat squadron’s forward operating base at Rendova while the crew was still marooned on the islands in the vicinity of Japanese-held Kolombagara Island.

    Solomon Islanders Biuki Gasa and Eroni Kumana were portrayed as random natives, when in fact they were dispatched by the coastwatcher Arthur Reginald Evans to find the sailors. The film shows Ensign Ross first suggesting the idea of using a coconut for a message, using a knife to carve it. Gasa was later interviewed as suggesting the idea and sending Eroni to pluck a fresh coconut. The actors playing Gasa and Kumana were not credited, though the senior native is mentioned by name when the large canoe arrives.

    The scene showing the rescue of ambushed Marines is actually covered by the chapter in the book about PT 59, which Kennedy commanded after the PT 109. It was an older model 77 foot Elco PT boat that was converted to a gunboat with its torpedoes removed.

  5. Larry went from “Larry The Liberal” to “Larry The Angry Liberal” when it sunk in that Donald Trump is going to be HIS president for the next eight years. 😎

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