What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew – IOTW Report

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

NB: President Barack Obama spoke to reporters on Wednesday afternoon on the Paris climate change agreement and, almost on cue, NBC’s Ron Allen connected global warming to Hurricane Matthew set to bear down on the Bahamas, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida.

Speaking on MSNBC Live to host Kate Snow, Allen first gushed about how the President “believes so deeply in protecting the environment” that the deal marks“one of the most significant aspects of his legacy” before bringing in Hurricane Matthew as a intriguing “practical matter.” It was “what the president was talking about as the threat that the planet faces and this is what this whole climate agreement signed by 190 nations and now ratified by 60 or so is designed to stop.”


19 Comments on What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

  1. This may have been an off the cuff remark,but usually even seemingly spontaneous utterances are teleprompterd so,if in this case it turns out to have been scripted I have only one request, phycological testing coupled with intelligence evaluation exams for all members of all news organizations from CEO on down.

  2. You’ve got to love the Weather Channel. Breathless reports from Florida: evacuate, evacuate, evacuate NOW! Don’t wait! Interviews with law enforcement and political leaders, all saying EVACUATE! Of course, their credibility is diminished somewhat, when the idiotic reporter is standing ON THE FRIGGIN’ BEACH IN FRIGGIN” FLORIDA!

  3. I heard on the radio today that the EPA issued a 50-state “climate warning” or some such shit. The EPA! Something about insects, floods, and drought.
    This is getting way out of hand. Those bastards are wasting our air with every breath they take.

  4. I tell ya, I can see this Global Warming bull$hit coming a mile away, and Trump’s people damn well better see it, too. This is the easiest crap in the world to disprove but you better believe Hillary and the “moderator” are gonna be tag teaming Trump on this. Get ready to smack it down because, believe me, the headlines are already written: TRUMP’S CLIMATE DENIAL HURRICANE KILLS THOUSANDS. HILLARY’S PLAN TO CONFISCATE ALL U.S. BUSINESS WILL MEAN SUNSHINE AND LOLLIPOPS FOREVER.

  5. Go ahead and try to make this about climate change. It will only prove that real science took a back seat to politics and hype. Just now my weather alert went off. (timing’s everything huh?) Charleston is now under a hurricane warning. Anywhoo. When Katrina and Rita hit, it was blamed on climate change. The “experts”said we can expect a greater number of storms, in the coming seasons. Never happened. Then those same experts said Alright alright that didn’t pan out. How about fewer storms, but they’ll all be monsters. Nope, didn’t happen. So now, after years of relatively uneventful activity, we gots us a humdinger of a blow. So noww, it’s because of climate change. So all I got to say is. You fear mongering, liberal, globalist, capitalism hating. climate changing pimps. Can kiss my ass on the middle of main street during the eye of the storm.

  6. When these guys get hurricanes under control, I need them to stop my lawn at 1.5 inches and stop the leaves from falling. This yard work is getting in the way of my fishing.

  7. What “dear leader” and his posse of tutus won’t do for money! It is all about our Kenyan wanting to cash in on that carbon cred shite algore started. I truly wish he would just shut up and go…they are still trolling on FartBook for him to serve more terms! If he tries, I hope the military command removes him and Mooshell having hissy fits as they are drug across the lawn to the high fence and tossed over.

  8. O.k., the Paris agreement is designed to “fix” global climate change. What an ambitious undertaking – we are going to get together and fix the climate for the entire earth.

    But wait – we now have a strong hurricane bearing down on urban areas in the most advanced nation in the world, and our reaction is “run away.” We can’t lessen the force of a hurricane, we can’t change its path, and we apparently can’t even protect buildings and infrastructure from a Category 4 storm. One storm, albeit a very big one, and our solution is to run and hide.

    It is folly to believe that humans can dictate what mother nature will do. We can’t stop hurricanes, and we can’t even build cities immune to hurricanes; we just run away when a big one comes. But despite this, climate change proponents are convinced we can significantly affect the climate one way or another.

  9. Ron Allen, NBC’s Chief Affirmative Action reporter, also stated that President Obama intends to repeal the “Laws of Physics” before he leaves office in 2017. “They are old and unfair laws,” the President stated in remarks before the General Assembly at the United Nations in New York City, for which he received a standing ovation. “These laws serve no useful purpose in our modern world, but only serve to benefit the rich,” he stated, to shouts of applause. “They do not help a child with asthma, who might need a breathalyzer, or an inhalator, or an asthma pump.” he said.
    This reporter contacted the Republican Candidate for President, Mr. Trump, for his reaction to the President’s remarks. Mr. Trump said that “in matters of law,” he would consult with his Constitutional Law expert and devoted friend, Mark Levin.
    When contacted by phone regarding this matter, Mr. Levin barked: “Trump is an imbecile.” But, he added, somewhat subdued, that “the Laws of Physics are not a Constitutional matter. They may not be repealed by Executive Fiat, but require approval of 3/5ths of the fifty seven states. “That would mean” Levin continued, 34.2 States, which would mean thirty four States and the .2 Peoples Republic of Massachewshits.
    For NBC News, This is Ron Allen signing off. I’m of to Popeye’s for lunch.

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