What No One Looted – IOTW Report

What No One Looted

The vegan food.


28 Comments on What No One Looted

  1. No wonder, we’ve all seen how skinny Vegans are.
    I don’t want to be skinny in a disaster.
    I want to float on a raft of slim jims and salami logs in a disaster, with a wheel house made out of Little Debbie swiss logs

  2. in my misspent youth, i actually WAS hungry enough to steal tomatos from front yard farmer’s markets…..does that make me a vegan?….

    nah, i would have loved to steal a burger instead…but no one was leaving them in the front yard, fer some reason…..

  3. I always stock up on tofu and veggie burgers when we go camping.
    No one comes to our camp for dinner , don’t know why.
    We always have dry Shredded Wheat dipped in water for desert , with ouzo as a chaser .

  4. Thanks for the website Brad, looks like a hoot!

    I bought a pack of that shit sausages without looking at
    the ingredients. Threw it in the back yard and even the
    boonie dogs wouldn’t eat it.


  5. Not war, I googled the phrase exactly as written with quotation marks. Only one thing showed up in the search, a link back to your comment and IOTWR logo and a couple of others.

    “Google White Couple, you won’t believe it”.

  6. Uncle Al you would be most welcome in our camp to chow down on chicken in a tarragon cream sauce with chantrel mushrooms , and a fine glass of white wine. Camp cooked pineapple upside down cake for desert. And then brandy and tall tales.

  7. …I have to eat a lot of vegan substitutes for health reasons.
    I guess the looters don’t have those problems or they just don’t care about their health! :b

  8. @Geoff C. the Saltine:

    Uncle Al you would be most welcome in our camp to chow down on chicken in a tarragon cream sauce with chantrel mushrooms , and a fine glass of white wine. Camp cooked pineapple upside down cake for desert. And then brandy and tall tales.

    Thank you for a very handsome invitation, Geoff!

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