What Places Should Obama Visit on His “Farewell Tour”? – IOTW Report

What Places Should Obama Visit on His “Farewell Tour”?

Howie Carr has some destination suggestions for the exalted dipstick ruler. –

Boston Herald-

He should definitely try to visit as many of what he thinks are the 57 or 59 states, not to mention a few foreign countries like Austria, where he said they speak Austrian, or Afghanistan, where he claimed the native tongue is Arabic.

 He should definitely stop off at Fort Hood. You know, the place where a Muslim terrorist killed 13 Americans and Obama went on national TV to lecture us about “workplace violence.”

He could visit the Red Line — no, not the one here, the one in Syria that he dared Assad to step over, which he promptly did and … how’s that one working out for you, Barry?

Central Square, Cambridge — lecture the cops one final time on how they have “acted stupidly.”

Stop by his Uncle Omar’s package store in Framingham and celebrate the only illegal alien in the nation who actually works for a living and isn’t on welfare (unlike his late Auntie Zeituni).

Obama should personally visit every American family that, as promised by him, got to keep their doctor and their health insurance and saved $2,500 on the premiums too.

It won’t take long, because there aren’t any such families, just like there aren’t any “Muslim founding fathers,” although he claimed there were some of them, too.

A must stop in the Midwest — Ferguson, Mo., where his “Hands Up Don’t Shoot!” fake-news myth was born.

A shuttered coal mine in West Virginia. The boarded-up Solyndra factory in Fremont, Calif.

Celebrate the new industries his “fundamental transformation of America” policies have created — let’s schedule a visit to a prayer-rug factory in Dearborn.

Gotta drop a dozen doughnuts off at the regional IRS office in Cincinnati. You know, the one where the “rogue agents” decided on their own to start persecuting Tea Party groups, without any prompting from anyone in his administration.

He should go back to Chicago and check in with his “composite” girlfriend, or maybe he can return to the living room of his dear friends, convicted terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

Gotta have a few sports stops, maybe at “Cominskey Field” in Chicago, or a whistle-stop at State College, Pa., to salute the team he calls the “Nittaly Lions.”

Definitely needs to visit the seashore, because, after all, there’s so much more beachfront property now that the sea levels have been receding since 2008, just like he promised would happen if he were elected president.

Stop by ABC News in D.C. and deliver a box of Kleenex to Martha Raddatz, who was boo-hoo-hooing on Election Night.

Phone ahead to the halfway house where Nakoula B. Nakoula was locked up after Obama and Hillary decided that patsy was going to take the fall for their Benghazi fiasco, even though nobody had ever heard of him or his “film,” let alone seen it.

Obama could at least do a flyover above the Animas River in southern Colorado, into which his EPA dumped 3 million gallons of heavy metal-filled wastewater last year — and the mainstream media are worried about what Donald Trump is going to do to the environment!

The Animas is right on the way to Florence, Colo., which I’m sure the president will want to visit as he hand-delivers a presidential pardon to Supermax Prison inmate 95079-038, also known as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Barack can order Air Force One to land on the tarmac at the Phoenix Airport to remind everyone how Bill Clinton… more here


39 Comments on What Places Should Obama Visit on His “Farewell Tour”?

  1. @JustAl, my thought exactly… you beat me. Next best would be Los Angeles on the Friday before Christmas and snarl the hell outta the traffic there since they love him so much. Maybe a nice 3 hour speech in the middle of the I5.

  2. The Boats
    Saudi Arabia
    New Rotique
    Wherever they need a Halfrican Emperor

    Any country that’s low on its “Shit Quota”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Auschwitz. So he can regale the all the visitors with tales of how his uncle single handedly liberated the place with nothing more than an unloaded M-1 carbine.

    And then they’ll say, “What are you, stupid? There wasn’t an American within 600 miles of here in January, 1945 when the Russians showed up.”

  4. This fucker ain’t ever going to go away. Sadly, I’ll have to listen to his bullshit until my dying day. I can only hope that Trump shows him up so badly that only the most hardcore sycophants are buying it.

  5. I know it has already been said, but he should just go directly to hell and do all his visiting there from now on.
    I’m sure satan has a trophy and some medals to pin on his faggot communist moslem ass.

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