What Rush Just Said – IOTW Report

What Rush Just Said

C. Steven Tucker sent this in and it’s everything I’ve been saying, only said like a multi-millionaire communicator.

Earlier, Plain Jane made a comment about ow the GOP does not want a big tent. I highlighting that part of her comment.

Then I listen to Rush and what does he say?

THE GOP DOES NOT WANT A BIG TENT. Not if they can’t control it, they don’t.

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45 Comments on What Rush Just Said

  1. Yes, the GOPe wants a big tent. Rush has always been very critical of that stand. Their Idea of a big tent is one that excludes the evangelicals and the anti-abortion crowd. He quite commonly says the GOPe’s method of enlarging that tent is to invite in democrats by abandoning conservatism. He often tells the story of the elitists complaining him to that “moral majority” type are what is keeping the GOP down.

    Wait for him to expand on this on his show tomorrow.

  2. There is only one Republican running that is advocating amnesty.
    That is Mr. Touchback.
    If anyone disputes that, please point out where he has personally stated that that is no longer his positon. Please don’t point to a document his handlers wrote.

  3. Socialism is the “Big Tent.”

    The GOPe is convinced, as are many others, that America is in a downward spiral and that “managed decline” is the watchword. Unfortunately, a “United Socialist States of America” is no longer America, but in name only. The socialists have infiltrated every nation on Earth, and every Supra-National body and they will not go softly into that good night, but will exercise every weapon in their formidable arsenal to make a living Hell on Earth. The majority of people seem to have ingested the drivel on one level or another and no longer have the ability to perceive what Freedom and Liberty can mean, to ALL the people of the world.

    There are NO negro issues.
    There are NO women’s issues.
    There are NO poor issues.
    There are NO rich issues.
    There are NO northern issues.
    There are NO southern issues.

    The ONLY question is: Are you willing to live as a slave?

    The question is not hyperbolic. Look about the world.

  4. The crazy thing is that Cruz and Trump are resonating with all sorts of people because of their stands on immigration, 0bamacare, 2nd amendment, and other issues. It is the GOPe that goes against the polls. How oblivious can they be? It has to be about just cronyism.

  5. You have it backwards Menderman.

    The people Trump are attracting are hardline standers on terrorism and borders, from every demographic, thus, BIG TENT.

    He’s not attracting pro-abortionists, pro-gay marriage, pro-amnesty, pro- anything leftist.

    You’re kind of scaring me.

    Have a Snickers.

  6. BFH; if that is the case, why do Code Pink and other extreme left organizations support him?
    I know the reason. They think he is still on their side.
    When he was losing support from these groups he started tossing out bones like “Bush lied” to keep them in line.

  7. “The people Trump is attracting are hardline standers on terrorism and borders”

    Most of his attraction is JOBS. 33% of our country is out of the work force. What ever the hell that means. And yet unemployment is 4.5%. The ethnic voters he’s attracting want a job. Granted some of that dove tails with immigration. But it’s the economy.

  8. OK Aggie. I’ll bite.
    Why does Code pink endorse Trump?
    Obviously Code Pink is not being honest about their reasons, and you know the real truth.
    So please clue me in as you have the inside scoop.

  9. You are correct, Mr. Much! Really, we have only one party and the silly fools are given a choice: pick one from Column A or Column B. There is no real choice — that matters. Trump is the only candidate who is a wild card not controlled by the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street, etc. — on either side.

    He may be a wild card, but he’s *my* wild card. ….Lady in Red

  10. At the 8:40 mark, Rush discusses RNC pre-convention rule changes. They changed rules in 2012 too favor Bush, but Trump was not figured in when those changes were made. Do you think the RNC would even suggest changing rules, now?

  11. Big Fur Hat,

    Honestly, my comment was about Rush and the “Big Tent Theory”. It had nothing to do with Trump. As an avid Rush listener for over 20 years, I thought those that are not should be aware of his overall opinions of the GOPe and their ways.

  12. JohnS you said you knew the real reason why code pink supported – stopped – then supported him again. You said you knew they were lying about the war, and Trumps lying on the issues. I didn’t make up the conspiracy theory, you did.

  13. @BFH – you said “He’s not attracting pro-abortionists, pro-gay marriage, pro-amnesty, pro- anything leftist.”

    I beg to differ. He has attracted Lady in Red.

  14. @ riverlife callie

    I’ve been actively pro-life for four decades. I’m with LIR and have always admired her honesty.

    My friend and one of my mentors in post-abortion healing (who is post-abortive and actively pro-life) agrees with LIR and me. Also, she is Evangelical, a pastor’s wife, still active in post abortion healing, and for Trump. My friend and I will not be used AGAIN by those who claim they will fight to eradicate abortion. Same with all but one of my other pro-life cronies.

    Credentials/qualification to look into souls will be taken at the next table.

  15. By the way.
    Show me where Code Pink has endorsed Donald Trump???

    I think they said, “wow, it’s cool to hear Trump say what we have been saying about the Iraq war.”

    Quite a stretch to call that an endorsement of Donald Trump.

  16. JohnS you said…”BFH; if that is the case, why do Code Pink and other extreme left organizations support him?
    I know the reason. They think he is still on their side.
    When he was losing support from these groups he started tossing out bones like “Bush lied” to keep”….

    Losing support? “Bush lied” to keep their support? Thats not you?

    You know that the war is why they expalined their support.
    But you know better, they are lying about the war and so is Trump, you know these things. Remember?

  17. Aggie; Bush lied.
    That is the lefty talking point, has been since day one. Now you people don’t say “Clinton lied” even though he said the same things.
    Yes, he did toss them that bone to keep the antiwar leftists pacified. it obviously worked with code pink and you.
    Now that you bring it up, Trump did lie about the war, and that he was always opposed to it. But that was not the point.
    I scan the opposition sites, like huffingglue and the daily KooKoo’s because understanding their strategies makes it easier to counter them.

  18. Trump said Bush lied because he was setting up hiliary to be totally at a loss in the general debates. Actually a brilliant political move if he does indeed win the nomination. Truth matters none in politics.

  19. menderman; You seem to have forgotten Hillary’s position on the war and the existence of WMDs.
    He positioned himself with Bernie Sanders on the issue.
    Maybe I am missing something, but I don’t see the upside to running to the left of Hillary. I doubt that the Bernie supporters are the ones that will push Trump over the top.

  20. Immigration is the key. Everyone is talking about “the establishment” and flailing around trying to find answers as to why Trump and Cruz are the only guys with traction. It’s so obvious: they are the only candidates with ANY credibility on immigration.

    Rubio and Kasich need to drop out. At that point we can have real contest. We can choose between a true conservative who knows the Constitution and has fought liberals his whole life and an outsider businessman with possibly huge upside who seems to not give a crap what anyone says.

    I’m a Cruz guy and I feel very strongly that he would be an awesome president. But Trump says a lot of things I agree with and I won’t sit home in November if he’s the guy. Go home Rubio and Kasich!

  21. JohnS, you have totally lost all credability by tossing me…and any conservative…in with the left.

    You are all over the place trying to be smarter than everyone else and you’re falling far short of your goals. I never brought up anything, you did. Your train wreck of twisted logic just grows with each post.

  22. @Plain Jane – politics does indeed make strange bedfellows. It would be interesting to see you celebrating with one of the most vile pro-aborts (and pro-euthanasia) persons who has ever posted here. Seriously wondering how you can compromise your strongly held beliefs. And I believe you about your pro-life stance because I’ve seen numerous posts you’ve made.

  23. Also, please expound on this statement – “Credentials/qualification to look into souls will be taken at the next table.”

    Can you tell me where I have done this? I base my views on LIR’s own words, posted here many, many times. I would never attempt to look into her soul. Perhaps you shouldn’t attempt to look into mine.

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