What The Administration Must Avoid At All Cost – IOTW Report

What The Administration Must Avoid At All Cost


Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday about Hunter Biden’s derailed plea deal, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika raised an issue the White House “most fears.”

As Axios reported, the contentious hearing included two recesses, one of which came after the judge questioned “whether the diversionary agreement shielded Hunter Biden from future prosecution under other laws including the Foreign Agent Registration Act.”  More

8 Comments on What The Administration Must Avoid At All Cost

  1. Our news media has now been completely placed in the control of hysterical eighth grade no nothing superficial bitches.

    Really people? You willing to accept this as ‘reporting’?

    Commentary? Anything other than predigested pap that could best be utilized for fecal transplant?

    Bring on the Ebola, I’m ready.

  2. “So if you go for FARA, it’s going to bring all of this stuff in. Including some of these tax accounts for 2014 and 15 that the Department of Justice allowed to run, allowed the statute of limitations to expire.”

    The entire tax liability should transfer to whoever within the DOJ that was in charge of each and every case involving any politician, friends, family or campaign contributor.

  3. Keep in mind that this wasn’t some Republican prosecutors against Hunter. It was DOJ prosecutors, trying to shepherd him into a misdemeanor plea that would somehow give him immunity to basically everything. That it is unconstitutional is obvious to anyone. That it was stopped is pretty surprising.

  4. Funny how you never hear Bagpipes Barr commenting on the DOJ clowns puffing up trial ballons and wheeling around perpetually on those news cycles.

    Why is that, Billy? Has the big cat got your tongue?


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