What the heck did I just read??? # 544 – IOTW Report

What the heck did I just read??? # 544

Daily Caller:  The Lurid Details Of This Bureaucrat Sexually Abusing A Disabled Veteran Will Appall You.

A career investigator in the Seattle office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sexually exploited a disabled veteran who lodged a complaint against his former employers, threatening the complainant with rape and demanding he masturbate during their private consultations.

A career agency official named William Spencer Benedict handled the veteran’s claims against his former employers, Starbucks Corporation and Siemens Company. Benedict groomed the complainant for sexual abuse while pursuing the case, according to a newly released inspector general (IG) report.  More here [bring brain bleach]


11 Comments on What the heck did I just read??? # 544

  1. For over 20 years, Seattle government and related contractors have been dominated by faggot scumbags. My wife used to work at the Seattle blood bank 20 years ago, and there was this one asshole who rolled into his 8 to 5 job at 11am, slept until 3pm and then left. He was HIV and was just there to get free money because he was sucking some big-wig’s wang. He was rude, obnoxious, and entitled. He was the main reason my wife left that job and took my suggestion that we move to Phoenix.

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