What the Hell Happened? – IOTW Report

What the Hell Happened?

Here’s a video of a fashion show in Afghanistan, circa 1960.

Deranged old man, Ron Paul, would tell you that Afghanistan changed because of American intervention. “It was blowback!!!” (Sets jaw, hikes pants around theĀ nipples.)

It looks to me that Afghanis were enjoying western influence in 1960. I highly doubt that if America was butting into Afghanistan, militarily, and unsolicited, it would cause women to spontaneously wrap themselves in hefty bags, especially after they were enjoying being so chic, nice looking, contemporary and relevant.

The middle-east underwent a transformation that had nothing at all to do with America or the west. They, collectively, retreated into the dark ages.

See video after the jump-

ht/ illustr8r

12 Comments on What the Hell Happened?

  1. Wow! Amazing how quickly that backward transformation occurred too. I suspect that it was the whole Jimmah Carter Iran debacle and a theocratic state that started the regression in Afghanistan.

    I wonder how many people are left that actually remember these comparatively carefree days. From fashion shows to mass executions of women for not wearing proper moslem garb in a couple of generation’s time. The idiots protesting America and what it stands for, and supporting mass importation of moslems in any form should pay attention.

  2. What the hell happened? Easy, Islam happened.

    Trump says we have to stop muslim immigration while we figure out what the hell is going on!

    Interesting, the word “hell” finds it’s way in there every time when talking about islam and muslims.

  3. Kabul (rhymes with and looks like “rubble”) was once one of the most cosmopolitan cities in that part of the world with entertainment district, fashion boutiques, etc.

    Things went to crap when the last King Zahir Shah was overthrown in a 1973 coup. He kind of kept the multi-ethnic kingdom at relative peace. Next comes more coups, a Marxist government, Soviet invasion, civil war against the Soviet Union and the Marxist government by mujahideen, civil war among the victors, war lords, foreign and domestic Taliban, American invasion, etc. Basically, 40 years of mayhem.

    So much for strength in diversity.

  4. Other countries fared just as badly. Beirut, Lebanon, was once known as the “Paris of the Mediterranean” and Lebanon itself was 75% Christian until the Muslims started their shit. Everything these people touch turns to a 7th century cesspool.

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