“What the hell is wrong with people?!” – IOTW Report

“What the hell is wrong with people?!”

Getting death threats for nearly being stabbed.

Patriot Retort-

The young woman who was nearly stabbed by the knife-wielding teenager in Columbus is now getting death threats.

Honestly, some news stories make me question the current state of humanity.

From Fox8.com:

The FOX 8 I-Team has learned of death threats reported to Cleveland police by a woman at the heart of a deadly police shooting of a teen in Columbus.

Police video this week showed a Columbus officer shot a 16-year-old girl as she was about to stab a woman. That woman went to stay with a relative in Cleveland. Then she called police to report her life is in danger. She told police Friday someone posted her current and former addresses, phone number and picture on social media. That led others to share it on social media.

What kind of sick, twisted lunatics target a victim with death threats and doxing for the “crime” of nearly getting skewered to death by a homicidal teenager? more here

21 Comments on “What the hell is wrong with people?!”

  1. When there are no consequences, what can be expected? The POS who punched someone and stabbed another in CA is still free as a bird. What’s wrong with people? They are stupid and Godless, a bad combination.

  2. …just satan doing what satan does, the only thing that changes is the technology and the name of his minions. We call them Democrats now, but they were called Pharasee, Philistines, Bolshevics, Nazis, many other things before, the devil’s a busy boy but he always finds PLENTY of help in a fallen world…

  3. As I have said before, the only black lives that matter are those that are taken by police when those lives are committing crimes. Lives taken by other blacks don’t mean a thing.

  4. If this doesn’t depress you, then maybe this stat will:

    Fully 2/3rds of adult Americans buy into the post-modern relativistic idea that “right” and “wrong” applies situationally and personally. IOW: “What’s right for you isn’t always right for me” and vice-versa. Run this screwed-up thinking through your mind whenever you read/hear this sort of stuff, and there you go. Further, the die-hard relativist will make the “truth claim” that there is no such thing as truth. Naturally, such a claim, if put through the same truth claim test, can’t hold up, but it doesn’t stop them from making such an illogical claim.

    Want to hear a great sermon/lecture on this? Alistair Begg is an amazing Biblical teacher, but he knocked it out of the park with this one: “The Power of Proper Thinking”

    What’s wrong with people? They don’t think properly. End of story.

  5. My neighborhood was a little tense this afternoon. BLM doxxed the DA in the case here in Knoxville of the 17 year old kid who got himself shot after beating up his girlfriend and then bringing a gun to school. DA refused to charge the cops after bodycam footage clearly showed how it all went down.

    Well, they TRIED to dox her. They thought she lived in my neighborhood, but she doesn’t. 50 cars showed up, over 100 people walking my neighborhood shouting slogans, calling us all mother****ers, flipping us off. Expensive but useless sheriff’s helicopter overhead for an hour, and 20 cruisers waiting outside of the neighborhood for just one of them to cross the line.

    When they finally understood she didn’t live here, they stuck around for an hour and made noise anyway. Their leader said they had an obligation to go into where white people live and agitate so that we pressure the local politicians.

    If that dipshit knew how many ARs, deer rifles, shotguns were zeroed in on her people at any point in time she’d probably get all moist at the prospect of escalation.

    USA Today sent a goddamn reporter hoping to see some collateral damage. My neighbor kept mowing with his push mower and waving, that just made them angrier. Our pastor’s wife gave out Popsicles (no lie) and they threw them into people’s yards.

    News coverage reports it as a peaceful protest, nothing about them missing their intended target by about 2 entire towns over.

  6. What the hell is wrong with people..?

    Yesterday, I saw a fat man walking navigating a computerized signal at a local intersection, and barley if ever took his eyes off his cell phone. Not a care in the world while the world goes to shit.

  7. Abigail, no way to tell how it actually divies out with Christians in that 2/3 stat

    From the 1/3 being Christians only to some other subdivision.

    It would be odd if it was actually 2/3 Christians. From all adults being Christians, then yeah, that would be 2/3 Christians

    I know, it’s not exactly cribbage surgery,…


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