what the hell? New York Times Publishes Treasonous Op/Ed Calling for United Nations Takeover of United States – IOTW Report

what the hell? New York Times Publishes Treasonous Op/Ed Calling for United Nations Takeover of United States


recent New York Times op/ed has argued that “America may need international intervention” from the United Nations to effectively end U.S. sovereignty.

Opinion contributor Peter Beinart made the argument to give away the U.S. to foreign powers – exactly what the fake news hacks at the Times and other left-wing propaganda rags have argued for years that President Trump was trying to do with Russia.

“No one knows how Donald Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis will affect his presidential campaign, but before falling ill, he repeatedly suggested that he won’t accept the results of the election, should he lose,” Beinart said falsely.

In actuality, it is Democrat operatives like John Podesta who are war gaming for Biden to steal the election by appealing to blue-state governors to overturn the results. Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has told Biden not to concede on election day under any circumstances.

Beinart, who serves as the editor for at large for Jewish Currents, uses his false premise to justify bringing in the UN to essentially take over the country. He uses his hatred of the Constitution and the electoral college to make the case for his proposed overthrow.

“Democrats must now win the popular vote by three, four or even five percentage points to be assured of winning the Electoral College. They must achieve that margin in the face of a strenuous Republican effort to ensure that many Democratic ballots are not counted,” he wrote.


ht/ fdr in hell

35 Comments on what the hell? New York Times Publishes Treasonous Op/Ed Calling for United Nations Takeover of United States

  1. Brad, they make good targets!
    My new favorite expression…
    Bankrupt the New York Times, and all of the communist posterior orifices that work there,
    They are terrified that President Trump will win.

  2. Do Walter Duranty, Stalin, FDR, The Ukraine, and the NY Times of the early 1930s ring any bells?

    The NYTs has been hell bent on communism for a long, long time. Look at their 1619 Project. It’s all about destroying America.

  3. That’s cute. Because Libs think when the new overlords come, they’ll be spared. They’ll become aristocrats, get their own slaves and great parking!
    Liberals should be forced to live in a 3rd world country just like the natives do. In tribal territories.

  4. “the best thing the United States could do is run the Goddamn United Nations the hell out of here altogether.”

    Back before the PRC was admitted to the UN, and Taiwan was kicked out, there was much talk as to whether or not Red China should be admitted. My father used to say, “Let’s admit the UN to Red China”.

  5. “Conservative radio show host Mark Levin slammed the New York Times as “not a voice for freedom or truth, let alone real journalism.”

    “I want to remind you that the New York Times Corporation no more cares about the survival of this Republic than it cared about the Holocaust and Stalin’s slaughter of Ukrainians. It is a diabolical corporate media operation,” …”

    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mark-levin-issues-scathing-rebuke-of-new-york-times-not-a-voice-for-freedom-or-truth-let-alone-real-journalism .


    Were it not fo liberal Bob Dole UN would hav e been in Geneva for 35 years, Ronny tried for 8 yers to stop forcing me to pay for UN1. BOB DOLE, with UNIPARTY help, defeated Ronny.

    I did not vote for the liberal in ’96.

  7. You people talk tough, but you are too afraid to defy unconstitutional edicts and take off your masks. But you are going to stand up to an occupation? Yeah right.


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