What they need is a good teabag – IOTW Report

What they need is a good teabag

Red Rose Tea gets in on the lucrative “gay tolerant parents that seemed like gay bigot parents” market.

ht/ nm

34 Comments on What they need is a good teabag

  1. Maybe he put rat poison in the dyke’s tea? But, seriously, what does some stupid whore coming out to her tea sipping mangina of a father have to do with selling tea? Pointless virtue signaling. Red Rose Tea. Never heard of it. Reminds me of that ‘Rosebud’ story from a few days ago that I swear traumatized me for life.

  2. I guess every company trying to be “edgy” has to learn the hard way that virtue signalling loses at least as many customers as it attracts…and the former *ain’t* comin’ back.

  3. Now why oh why did they choose to have two hot young girls as the couple? Were they afraid if the girlfriend had a butch haircut, weighed 300 pounds, and spoke like a Harley mechanic it might turn people off? Come on Red Rose, why are you ashamed of the people you’re trying to promote?

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