What they teach in school – IOTW Report

What they teach in school

ht/  chabanais

16 Comments on What they teach in school

  1. Yep, that diagram is similar in many ways to the FDA food guide pyramid. First issued in late 1970s which is when America started becoming the obese nation. It’s almost 100% the opposite of what you should be eating. If you invert the types of foods and the amounts of each the government says are the best for you to eat. You will be thinner, a lot healthier, and feel better. I mean, good grief. High amounts of grains are what farmers feed their hogs and cattle to fatten ’em up for slaughter. So I am not surprised they teach the opposite of what is true about conservative vs liberal.

  2. The left lives in a perpetual opposite day. Everything good is bad to them and all that bad is good. They hate God, America, guns, anyone who disagrees with them and have created a vast army of morons and idiots who believe in everything that they say and salivate like Pavlov’s dogs at their master’s every command.

  3. “They hate God, America, guns, anyone who disagrees with them…”

    They are consumed by hate, hate themselves and that is what drives most of the rest of the hatred. Driven by envy and basically empty

  4. This where John Dewey and the other early Marxist/Communists wanted us to end up. My mother warned me about it 50 years ago when I was in school.
    Corrupt the teachers teachers and the teachers will corrupt the students and the students will become the teachers teachers to corrupt the next group. Look at the colleges now.

  5. How are those liberal policies working out in New York, Detroit, New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Memphis…well, you get the picture.

  6. public schools

    the greatest horror show in this country.

    they ought to be closed to avoid any more mass shootings of students.

    a better approach than so called liberal gun control.

  7. This is disturbing enough that the user really needed to post the school, subject and teacher. I went to reddit but didn’t find any clues to any of those three and even in California there would be enough parents that would call the school to complain over something this blatant. Kind of makes me a touch suspicious.


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