What to make of Obama’s recent rise in approval in the polls? – IOTW Report

What to make of Obama’s recent rise in approval in the polls?

obama laugh 9

American Thinker: An interesting facet of American politics is that Barack Obama’s approval ratings have gone up recently.  As Gina Jannone, a senior writer/editor at Rasmussenreports.com, noted on March 24th, Obama’s approval numbers have risen since January, a trend detected not only by Rasmussen, but by RealClearPolitics’ average of several polls in the last couple of months. 

Jannone attributed Obama’s rise in public approval to four factors:  (1) the current phase in his presidency – i.e., near the end of his time in office; (2) the campaign to elect his successor; (3) improved economic conditions – the price of gas is down, unemployment is down and the number of jobs is up (according to government statistics); and (4) Obama’s policy toward Cuba, which has received very positive coverage by the mainstream media (MSM).

obama mouth crooked

Jannone also referred to journalist Daniel Gross’s observation that “there is a certain fondness for lame-duck presidents.” Gross also observed that Obama’s popularity is up lately.  He noted that Bill Clinton’s approval ratings rose following the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and that Ronald Reagan’s popularity improved following the Iran-contra imbroglio and the stock market crash.  read more

18 Comments on What to make of Obama’s recent rise in approval in the polls?

  1. It isn’t approval for Obama, it is the elation of looking ahead to see him gone.

    Everyday, I get a little more hopeful that the Obama Dark Ages Caliphate are coming to a close, while holding my breath waiting for him to make the next stupid remark, or needless trip, or the manner in which he will alienate the few allies America has left, or allowing more criminal takeover of our nation.

  2. “Statistics don’t lie …
    but liars do Statistics.”

    Polls are Statistical samplings, and the statement or question posed by the poll is probably more important than the implied “result” or “conclusion” of that poll.

    That being said, the American people seem to be a very forgiving lot and loath to hold grudges.
    And seeing that the end of this fevered nightmare is in sight, for most (those unaware that the Republic is DEAD), a more benign attitude can become manifest in their hearts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The higher (if factual) polling is directly related to the WH (read that as Val Jar Binks and Moochie) is more concerned with preserving Barky’s “legacy” and not seeing its demolished, than doing anything to further aggravate Americans…So they busy themselves with working behind the scenes to advance anyone but Hittlery as the potential Dhimmo Candidate for Nov, 2016. Barky and crew abominate the Clintons for highjacking the Dhimmo Party away from themselves…Hard to believe it all pivots on that airhead Debbie Wazzershits….Barky appointed her, then the Clintons stole her away…hahahaha. No honor among thieves…for sure.

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