What to Make of Terry McAuliffe’s Disgraceful Display in Virginia – IOTW Report

What to Make of Terry McAuliffe’s Disgraceful Display in Virginia

American Thinker:

By Rajan Laad

The Virginia gubernatorial race was a contest that Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe was expected to cruise to victory in, and with considerable ease. His rival Republican Glenn Youngkin wasn’t even supposed to be a factor.

But as an ancient Hindu text states ‘“When doom is inevitable, the person’s intellect works against his or her best interest.”

After a series of major gaffes, McAuliffe is now trailing behind Youngkin in a recent Fox News Poll among likely voters in Virginia. Youngkin’s lead is now eight points which is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.

Among the reasons for this fall is McAuliffe’s preposterous statement “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Also, a Youngkin advertisement that featured a mother who successfully waged a legal battle to remove a violent and sexually explicit novel from the school curriculum was branded as a “racist dog whistle.” by McAuliffe. That didn’t go over too well with voters, either. MORE HERE

17 Comments on What to Make of Terry McAuliffe’s Disgraceful Display in Virginia

  1. Polls don’t mean shit when the elections are crooked as hell. Don’t be surprised if McAuliffe doesn’t win in a “Biden landslide” (wink wink). This country’s election practices are a goddamn joke.

  2. i want to see democrats burn in hell, but i’m not going down there to see it.

    BTW, thanks everyone for your prayers. Toby sniffed around the doggy buffet i laid out for him and actually ate a dog biscuit this evening. First food since friday evening.

  3. Agreed Mule.
    This time tomorrow we will likely see the vote count in favor of Youngkin start to stagnate and by 3 AM that asshole Terry will take the lead.

    Seriously, the way this week goes will tell whether we can expect any legitimate elections going forward.

    If 3 AM ballot dumps are the new normal than fuck this country…we are DONE!

  4. While I agree that elections in Democratic areas of the United States are corrupt as hell, I think that so many people are mobilized and keeping an eye on everything so closely that it will be hard to pull off another big steal. There also comes a point where the gap is too big to cover with cheating. It may have worked last year because the scrutiny came after the fact, not while things were happening.

    I also think it is to the point now that more and more people are going to believe the opposite of the intended visual until proven otherwise.

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine, The Newsom recount was over by 10:30. That would bother me.

    If Fairfax thinks it will take that long, it’s becuase they want to pull a King County (Seattle) 2002 and wait for everyone else to certify so they can go in at the last minute and have the rules changed.

  6. Brad, they interviewed Virginians on Laura’s show tonite.
    A 60’s something white woman was voting for Terry FOR CRT, regulations, etc.
    This cunt has no kids in school and she is white as a ghost, yet still votes for that cocksucker.
    How do you reach idiots like this?

  7. McAuliffe acts like a pol who thought he had this in the bag. He strikes me asca vindictive SOB, and if he pulls off the steal, Youngkin and some uppity little people are going to pay for his momentary discomfort.

    TPTB are sick of our shit, and the 1/6 political prisoners in the Garland Archipelago are proof.

    Send Terry home to spend more time with his family. Apparently, that’s his worst nightmare.

  8. The Demonrats Deathstar is about to take one up the tailpipe from a little X-wing fighter powered nobody saw coming. Terrance is the distraught Commander shouting ‘but this is an Imperial Battle Crusier” as he goes down in flames.


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