What Was a Fact… – IOTW Report

What Was a Fact…

69 Comments on What Was a Fact…

  1. Martin Luther King Jr’s content of character vs color of skin argument would be mainstream and excepted 20 years from now.

    If that guy was walking down MLK boulevard in any metropolitan area (Street dedicated to him) today he would be robbed, beaten to death and the video of it would go viral… and not be taken down by the same people that censor us.

  2. Three branches of government with checks and balances.

    Two major political parties.

    Congress makes the laws.

    Trust all policemen.

    The United Nations is for the good.

    Scouting program builds men.

    The Marines are looking for a few good men.

    Your vote counts.

    Can’t complain if you don’t vote.

  3. The FAA issues safety information in a timely manner to people who fly airplanes via the NOTAM system. Since the time of the Wright Brothers until today, NOTAM stood for Notice to AIRMEN.
    Now NOTAM stands for Notice to air MISSIONS.

    Who is supposed to read the NOTAMS, Air Missonaries? Good work FAA.

  4. At least half of what they told me about:
    The Soviet Union
    Planets and Stars
    Environmental Issues
    Energy Issues (we should have completely run out of fossil fuels by now)

  5. Not sure, Since I didn’t listen to the shit that spewed outta their mouths any how. School was just a day care center for kids until they were old enough to get a better payin job than the teacher / babysitters that thought they were smarter than they really were.

  6. Hard work was the key to success, not how early can you collect welfare.
    Then, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
    Now, “Do unto others, before they do it to you”

  7. We were still one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. And God is not dead. Rat Fink, I didn’t believe hiding under my desk in case we were nuked by the Russkies would save my life, no matter what Bert the indoctrination turtle said when I was 6 and 7 years old in first and second grade in 1959 and 60. And it was truth, justice and the American way, if Superman said that now he’d be accused of being a bigot, a homophobe, racist, zenophobe etc.

  8. Most of these comments about things that are no longer facts are incorrect. Most of these things are still facts. Don’t give in to cynicism.

    If you’re a Christian, keep watch and pray, and push back the evil in the world.

  9. I think this is one of the most important Threads ever.
    1) funny
    2) true
    3) Proves 100% that there are still people who understand REAL TRUTH vs “my truff)

    And that mean more than anything.

  10. High school cliques don’t matter; when you grow up, you’ll be judged on merit, not popularity and connections.

    Turns out, the world is run by the nitwits who ran the student government association –and they’re still cheating to get re-elected and get their friends all the perks.

  11. You must go to college to get a good job.

    DDT is good for the environment.

    The war in Viet Nam is to defend democracy.

    The USA is a just nation of laws.

    JFK was shot by a lone gunman.

    Debt and borrowing is good finance strategy.

    Dedicated public servant

    Is the Pope catholic?

    Social Security Trust Fund

  12. Bob,

    My Dad always said for decades, “We send you to school to become stupid!”

    From an Italian Immigrant who started with a shovel & now owns many buildings & Acres at 82 yrs.

  13. We were made to read Erlich’s “The Population Bomb” and our high school Government teacher promised us that every word of it was true. We were all doomed.

  14. That your English teacher in high school was actually trying to teach you about the English language

    Even as far back as 50 years ago, they were infiltrating Marxism into “English” class. They were just more subtle about it then

  15. That none of the younger Jesuits were actually gay. They just had a “gay sensibility”

    Which must be the reason some of them died prematurely from undisclosed diseases in the 90’s. Auto-Sensibility disorders, I guess.


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