What Was Obama Doing While Russia Tried To Hack The Election? – IOTW Report

What Was Obama Doing While Russia Tried To Hack The Election?

They knew months in advance that the Russians were trying to mess with the election process, yet what did the Obama WH do about it? Former DHS Chief Jeh Johnson is scheduled to appear before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence today and explain what little was done on the federal level.


This is the real scandal in the Russian hacking story. Not whether people in the Trump campaign “colluded” with the Russians, but the little effort put forth by the then sitting president Obama to put a stop to it or to warn the individual states that they were being targeted.

14 Comments on What Was Obama Doing While Russia Tried To Hack The Election?

  1. Obama was doing nothing, because he thought that Putin would be trying to make Hillary the winner. After all, she sold Pooty-Poot a shitload of our uranium for a cut rate price. Surprise Barry! The russkies stabbed you in the back, suck any tasty dick lately?

  2. What was Obama doing? That’s easy. He was asking the first real female president, Valerie Jarret, what he should do next. She ordered him to forget the Russians, and made him give the bomb to her family in Teheran

  3. And, after spending multi-billions of tax dollars on our 17 different intelligence(?) agencies we find that they are staffed to the gills with incompetent boobs, led by incompetent boobs, and are provided congressional oversight by incompetent boobs! In other words, we pay for more boobs then Playboy magazine does!

  4. ……”Obama tells Medvedev: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

    Medvedev replied: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.” The Vladimir, Medvedev refers to, is presumably incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.”….,,,,,

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