What Was That Tom Brady Kiss? – IOTW Report

What Was That Tom Brady Kiss?

I think this is weird.

Am I assigning any criminal activity? No. Just weirdness.

31 Comments on What Was That Tom Brady Kiss?

  1. It seems everybody wants to tell everybody else what level of affection is appropriate for them, based on their own standards. It’s not something I would do, but I don’t see any crime being committed.

    The letters M, Y, O, and B come to mind here.

  2. Aw go phuck off ya phuckin’ queers, I used to kiss my children on the ass. And smack ’em too. Great fun. They loved it, just like throwing them in the air or tossing them in the pool. GTFOH!

  3. I have a brother that was raised a Mennonite (google it) who gives what’s called a brotherly kiss to other men of his faith like that (full on the lips).

    The first time (we were reunited after 45 years) I saw him do it I told him I’d lay him out if he tried it with me.

  4. Ya just can’t make this stuff up. People have to say something because it’s Tom Brady One of the greatest QB’s in the game of Football.
    “Oh No! Did you see that! Tome Brady made his son h=kiss him on the lips for about 3 seconds!!! OMG!!!” Is he abusing the kid? Only if you are a frickin’ wierdo to think that. Is he a loving Father with a close relationship to his son? Undoubtedly. Are other people jealous of the fact that he has a close knit family? You Betcha. Are other people jealous because he is a successful NFL QB with rings galore and a close family? You bet. Would they say anything because of that jealousy, of course, especially in Philadelphia right now….

  5. I had a girlfriend once with a young son, maybe 7.
    He was being put to bed and his mother told him to kiss me goodnight, full on the lips, totally creeped me out.
    Felt it was inappropriate, this was just the 2nd date, never went back.
    My father shook my hand, strong grip, eye contact.
    Don’t think I kissed my mother after age 5.
    We would hack on the guys who had to kiss mommy bye.
    My granddaughter kisses me on the forehead, she doesn’t like the beard.

  6. I have kissed my father on the cheek and I hated the stubble, so the lips might not be a bad thing for a young child.

    The problem here is Brady allowing his family to be Kardashianed.

    When cameras are rolling, people change their behavior, so asking for a longer kiss was likely for the cameras.

    I can’t imagine why he is allowing this?
    He doesn’t need the cash.

  7. BTW, I imagine a lot of crap is from jealous folks.
    I don’t envy or hate Tom Brady.
    I admire successful people for the most part.

    That said, his wife is a loony bird.
    That ignorant bitch could host The View by herself.
    She is bat-shit crazy defined.

    They both have weird diets that they think keeps them young.
    If they feed their kids like this their poor bones will be vermicelli.

    Tom succeeds IN SPITE of his bullshit diet plan and live-in nutritionist.
    “Brady is 40, how can he still perform like that?”
    Total bullshit, he wears more body armor than a bomb squad technician.
    Likely takes two hours to suit up.
    He walks around like Frankenstein because he is so taped together.
    Forty isn’t that old anyway.
    He has been injured and missed a whole season.

    Tom could be the poster child for the leftist movement.
    He was picked 198th in the NFL draft 18 years ago and he still holds a grudge like he was an oppressed minority.

    You should check out his photos from the draft.
    He is standing there in his boxers with all the definition of Rosie O’Donnell.
    Seriously, most pizza delivery boys are far more buff.

    No, I kind of like The Patriots, the scrappy white boy receivers are fun (and rare) to watch.

  8. Have to admit that I often kiss my girls on the nose/lips. Makes ’em sneeze with pleasure & always makes me chuckle.
    Of course, I’m talking about my girls Rabbit & Ferret – Rabbit, American Rotty/Alsatian cross; Ferret, Red Healer/Corgi cross.

    Never kissed my Daughter on the lips. Or my Granddaughter. Whichever way you look at it, it strikes me that there’s not much in it for them. So why risk traumatizing the poor things?

    Didn’t know much about Brady. Now I know too much. Certainly, the public nature of this… affection, renders him a dipshit, if nothing more. Each to their own though, I suppose.

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