What Was VP Biden Doing In Ukraine Just Before Leaving Government – IOTW Report

What Was VP Biden Doing In Ukraine Just Before Leaving Government

American Greatness

It is highly unusual for an outgoing vice president to travel abroad during the days before the beginning of the new administration. An examination of the National Archives reveals no foreign travel on the part of Dick Cheney between the 2008 election and the Obama-Biden inauguration, nor any foreign travel by Vice President Al Gore before the Bush-Cheney inauguration in 2001.

During the time before the inauguration, the outgoing vice president’s duty to the American people is to help the president, the president-elect, and the vice-president-elect with an orderly transition. The closer to inauguration day, the more important it becomes to handle sensitive details diligently.

This was a duty that Joe Biden decided was subordinate to his desire to travel abroad.

Three days before the Trump-Pence inauguration, Biden was halfway around the world meeting with the leaders of a foreign government. Biden’s trip not only took him away from his duties in Washington, it also consumed the attention of many senior presidential, vice-presidential, and State Department staff—for the days before, during, and after the trip—who should have been giving their undivided attention to the transition.

For Biden, the vice president’s absence from the White House during one of the most important weeks of his official responsibilities, and subjecting himself and senior White House staff to jet lag during the inauguration itself, were reasonable costs for the United States to pay in exchange for his presence in a faraway foreign country.

That country was Ukraine.

What was Biden doing in Kyiv on January 17, 2017? More

12 Comments on What Was VP Biden Doing In Ukraine Just Before Leaving Government

  1. he needs to be squeezed. Put him under oath and start asking questions.
    He’s about as corrupt and involved as anyone, even hussein

    what was he doing?
    he was trying to make sure no one would ever find evidence of what he, his son the clintons and obama did there.

  2. Sure… put him under oath and just axe him questions. He’ll start babbling about when he wuz a kid back in Scranton and a wheel fell off his canoe which caused him to start wondering how many pancakes could fit in a doghouse. Who knows, maybe he’ll start singing Villages commercials too…
    “Mmmmm, Mmmmm… Them french fried pertaters are a big fukin deal, Mmmmm, Mmmmm!” Then he’ll roll out his 7-11 jokes!

  3. Covering his tracks.

    Now Fauci, according to the drudgereport, is warning ‘no school in fall’.

    And trump is allowing this guy to be chief spokeman on the chinese virus.


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