What You Are Seeing Here Has Nothing To Do With Donald Trump – IOTW Report

What You Are Seeing Here Has Nothing To Do With Donald Trump

46 Comments on What You Are Seeing Here Has Nothing To Do With Donald Trump

  1. George Soros is funding/organizing this. Soros is giving money to Kasich. There are reports today that Cruz took 250K from Soros.

    I think it has everything to do with Trump and the elites losing power.

  2. The devil is alive and well in these people. They aren’t common @$$holes, they have wickedness spilling out of their hearts.

    If they are just stupid and believe the Ayers and the GOP establishment types of the world, without investigating the truth for themselves, they don’t belong in our universities because their IQs have to be below 40.

    This is most bizarre. Then there are the Cruzes and the Kasiches and the Rubios who try to profit off the hatred and bigotry of the demonstrators by blaming Trump instead of the @$$holes.

    Well, maybe it is Trump’s fault. He should have run for prezy in 2012.

  3. The radical left doesn’t care who is nominated. Thier goal was declared in the protests last fall and winter with “Shut it down.” They shut down Trump. The 2016 convention protests will dwarf Chicago 1968.

  4. Now we can add the hater Romney. Wonder if he’s going to join the next Soros sponsored event.

    Mitt Romney
    4 hrs ยท

    “This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.

    Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.

    The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention. At this stage, the only way we can reach an open convention is for Senator Cruz to be successful in as many of the remaining nominating elections as possible.

    I like Governor John Kasich. I have campaigned with him. He has a solid record as governor. I would have voted for him in Ohio. But a vote for Governor Kasich in future contests makes it extremely likely that Trumpism would prevail.

    I will vote for Senator Cruz and I encourage others to do so as well, so that we can have an open convention and nominate a Republican.
    8.7K Likes16K Comments3K Shares”

  5. He endorsed Kasich in Ohio. Now, in Utah, he endorses Cruz, who is said to be likey to win that state. All he’s doing is using those guys to stop Trump from gaining the delegagtes he needs, and setting up a brokered convention. He’ll argue the two endorsed winners prove he’s a winner. Romney 2016.

  6. Has nothing to do with Trump?
    Soros and Trump go way back. Soros bailed Trump out of a couple of significant problems, once to the tune of $160 million.
    This crap, along with the Chicago show is helping, not hurting trump.
    The idea that the liberals (news media, Soros, etc…) are all being duped by Trump into supporting him is absurd.
    Since Trump is smart because he is rich, Soros is a LOT smarter than Trump. Soros knows this helps Trump and he has a better track record than Trump when it comes to getting a return on an investment.
    So, the million dollar question is;
    What does Soros get out of Trump being the nominee?
    When you answer that, the fog will lift from your eyes.

  7. Menderman,

    It’s all over Instagram. Let’s see if it makes it any further.

    Interesting logic going on here once again. I guess Soros funds BLM to support LEO too.

  8. JohnS
    A belief that a single business loan between Soros’ fund and Trump’s construction company 12 years ago is a “bail out” that somehow gives Soros power over Trump is borderline delusional.
    If there was something there it would have been all over the lamestream media….about nine months ago. Old news now.

  9. Menderman — I don’t know anything about Soros and Trump’s private financial dealings, but it’s a bit of a stretch to dismiss GS’s involvement with Cruz’s political campaigns because they were loans specifically for a campaign. What makes that trickier, still, is that there was, as I recall from reading several accounts a while back (and I don’t remember the details just now), some finagling on the reporting of those loans where the Cruz’s said one thing about their fiances yet the facts didn’t line up — the timing didn’t match what they were saying. Now, maybe it was all harmless, but when you take that information and add to it the fact that Cruz did not list two GS loans on his FEC paperwork, one has to wonder what’s up. At least I do. Again, Cruz said he’d listed the proper info on other reporting, but that’s not where people are going to look for it. On purpose? Not on purpose? It doesn’t help Cruz’s transparency claims.

  10. I had to stop it at the point where the wise Latina was saying how Trump said all Mexicans are criminals and rapists, and how it pisses her the beep off.

    Biotch, it would piss me the beep off, too, if he said it. It’s just that he never said it. Seriously, how does one dialogue with people so committed to ignorance?

  11. Abigail; Trump OWNS part of GS. Not only that, but the loans and business dealings Trump has had with GS is in the high $millions.
    So, Cruz got a loan from a business Trump partially owns, but that business is evil so Cruz is evil, but an owner of the business, Trump, is pristine.
    That’s right. Looks like, essentially, Cruz’s wife works for Trump, so Cruz is a bad guy by association. Only a horrible person would work for a company, or take a loan from a company, that Trump has an ownership position in.
    So naturally, vote Trump!

  12. iTed N — It’s the same tactic Wah-Hon Williams used when, for months, he began and ended every appearance on FNC by stating that tea party people spit on black congressmen. How he was able to get away with that is beyond me.

    A couple years ago at a Christmas party, one of our good neighbors started talking Progressive politics (funny how only the Progressives think everyone in the room agrees with them). She started in on how Sarah Palin said she could see Russia, etc. Geoff C. gently told her that it wasn’t true. She insisted that it was and then our then-high school child, who was sitting beside this woman, said, “No, actually she didn’t say that. Tina Fey said it on SNL.” It wasn’t our aim to humiliate this nice woman, but she did look pretty stupid.

    The truth will out. These crazy untruths usually die out because there’s never any audio or video to back them up. Thankfully a lot of idiots don’t bother to vote — it’s boring and it’s not a group thing.

  13. JohnS — I’ve seen some of your comments on other threads, so I know you’re not stupid. You purposely distort, twist and manipulate Trump info and circumstances. I don’t know why I bother to reply to any of your comments, I know better. Just disregard my lapse of judgement.

  14. Hey JohnS. I don’t know who you are or what you are all about, but AA and I have been a part of iOTW for along time, if you keep going after her I will make it my only job to rebut everything you say. Your comments are long and most of the time have no point or are so off topic that you sound like a fool. See you later. Oh, I know that she can take care of herself but someone has to call bullshit on you.

  15. OK BB.
    The shareholders.
    That is the beauty of corporations.
    One can vote for what they want with their money.
    Say there are tow corporations. GS and CS (chocolate starfish).
    One invests in increasing the economy, the other invests in equal opportunities for those who think the chocolate starfish is the most important thing in life.
    Corporations are democracy in action.
    Trump chose GS over CS.
    He could have chosen neither, but he chose GS.
    It has to be because he believes that what GS is doing is right?
    Or is it because they have bought and own him?
    I know he is not stupid, so that is not an option.

  16. I have been threatened by a salty snack.
    Why am I not trembling in fear?
    Your gallantry is admirable, but our interaction was limited to ideas until she made it personal.
    Even then, I did not resort to insults as she did. I merely brought up a past that she has admitted to.
    Yeah, I have been around for a while.
    If you feel you have to, well go for it.

  17. Keep fighting amongst yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, it distracts you from doing any good, and is playing exactly as the GOP has been hoping for.

    My brain hurts when I see good people falling for this divisional bullshit. Vote for Trump, awesome. Vote for Cruz, you could do worse. Vote for anyone else and we all get to watch the complete dismantling of a once-great nation. You pick, there is no other way, but for the love of God, we aren’t supposed to be freakin’ enemies here, the shills for the establishment know exactly how to distract you with this shit, STOP FALLING FOR IT AND KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GOAL OF NO MORE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP AND NO MORE GOP ESTABLISHMENT SHIT EVER AGAIN.

  18. Attention People—
    It’s getting so I do not even want to post the NAME Trump or Cruz because many of you cannot handle it. And the same names keep appearing on these threads, both pro and con for either candidate, to the point where it’s becoming nausea inducing.

    I post a video with a title that is meant to convey that this has been the left long before Donald Trump, and Donald Trump doesn’t need to exist for the left to be THE LEFT.

    Along comes JohnS, predictably, to strain and try and poop out some nugget into his diaper, and bring this all right back to Trump again. He cannot even concede that the left was not spawned by Trump.

    STOP IT!! And not just JohnS.
    Both sides – Trump and Cruz,
    You are embarrassing with your contortions and pretzel logic and 3 level chess and conspiracies and your tit for tats and your tortured rebuttals.
    Trump is the left backed by the right and is sleeping with Cruz’s wife who is secretly backing Trump because Trump is a globalist and so is Heidi and Soros is giving both of them oral pleasure.
    It’s maddening. You sound like morons.

    The bulk of the readers are SICK OF YOU, all of you.
    And if you can’t simply stay on topic, or offer something lucid (and new), or have a conversation like an adult, and not like some annoying 9 year-old in the back seat of the car, I am going to turn this blog around and go home.

  19. None of these protests are about shutting down Trump or any other political candidate. They are about b*tch slapping the American voter to force us back in line.

    How dare we little people speak.

    The more (and the harder) the bloated political ticks in Washington take a swing at me, the more determined I am to vote my conscience…if I have to crawl bloodied and battered to do it.

    I will cast my vote.

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