What You Didn’t Hear About Flanagan On The News – IOTW Report

What You Didn’t Hear About Flanagan On The News

LonelyConservative: I hadn’t heard much about the horrible murder of two television news professionals in Virginia today until after work. I had the local ABC News affiliate on, and they covered the tragic story, but left out a few details.

Here’s what you might have missed if you get your news from the US networks.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘The human tape recorder’ – how TV murderer was criticized by bosses for appalling journalistic standards and reprimanded for wearing an Obama badge to report on elections

  • Vester Flanagan’s appalling track record as a reporter brought to light in court papers relating to his bid to sue WDBJ for wrongful termination
  • Flanagan scored 1 out of 5 in series of categories in performance review and was told his reports were confusing and ‘lean on facts’
  • One document called him ‘the human tape recorder’ for never challenging press releases or interviewees 
  • Flanagan told the judge he wanted a jury made up solely of African American women, and FBI and Department of Justice investigations 
  • Case was dismissed after CBS affiliate in Moneta, VA, issued detailed rebuttal  



16 Comments on What You Didn’t Hear About Flanagan On The News

  1. If you ever tried to fire a black person you know that it’s a long, long process and their behavior has to be outrageous and unchanging over time. There will be an EEOC investigation at the very minimum.

    Vester’s behavior to get fired had to be beyond what a saint would tolerate.

  2. As a CBS media news subsidiary what a fitting predicament they were in at the hands of their Token Black Homosexual. Even though he was clearly a cancer in the workplace, imagine how reluctant they must have been to get rid of him.

    Yet, rather than deal with a threatening, intimidating, disruptive, incompetent BOOB and accept him, they chose the path that they admonish and condemn others for taking. They rid themselves of this menace by firing him.

    At the same time, they carry the water for Obama and push his federal zoning laws that require housing projects be built in white, crime free neighborhoods so they too can be destroyed. They carry the water for the Black Lies Matters predators that are burning down buildings. They turn violent gangsters and dope dealers and gunmen into sympathetic victims of brutal police that ” Stop them and question them”. They blame Katrina on Bush rather than Ray Nagin (in prison now) and the black city council that robbed the resources from the ghetto dwellers and left them to drown.

    They will learn nothing from this, and believe me, at the end of they day they don’t give one damn either. Nothing will stop them and they will never admit they are wrong. These people are waging war on America and they will USE this to their advantage not lament it. Right now the suits are in a staff meeting at CBS in NYC writing choreography bullets on how to turn this madman into a martyr.

  3. Someone who should know told me he had all the signs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

    Those born with FAS may have problems controlling anger and frustration, and problems understanding the motives of others. This may lead to violent behavior. As a result, teenagers and adults with FAS are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system than their peers are. Also, those with FAS can be especially susceptible to persuasion and manipulation, which may lead to unwitting involvement in illegal activities. WebMD

    Sounds about right, eh? I’m guessing this is a factor in the problems with minorities we face as a nation.
    I’m not an advocate of abortion, not a denier of the need either.

  4. What we’re also still NOT hearing, is from Diane Whinestein, Barbara Schnauzer, & Chuckles the Shiitehead, IS: WHERE is Gay Black Man Control, Inc., when you NEED them? 🙄

  5. Where’s the media to check out Flanagan’s Facebook page and every photo he has ever been in. Are there photos of him wearing a #BlackLivesMatter shirt? Will we then blame his actions on the #BlackLivesMatter movement just like we blamed the last shooting on the Confederate flag?

  6. I’m going to call BS on that ‘evidence’.
    Anybody who knows any long time stoners, the only time they get angry is when someone takes their last Ding Dong.
    May result in a slap fight.

  7. And why would a responsible media give a mass shooter a sounding board for his lunacies. How do that discourage the next pathetic POS who thinks the only way to redeem his pathetic life is to take revenge on half a dozen innocent people

    A responsible media would unleash the likes of Jimmy Kimmel to mock such a POS’s as the most worthless, hard up, masturbating buffoon that ever disgraced the male form. Why dont they ever do that? Oh wait, they do … if you shoot a lion in a country 9000 miles away

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