Ah yes, Russia is so much better than the U.S. with all those cheap groceries and lavish subway stations! The Soviets had a term for people like Tucker: useful idiots.pic.twitter.com/KngvXZtoaG
— Senator Thom Tillis (@SenThomTillis) February 15, 2024
24 Comments on Whatchu Talkin’ About Thom Tillis?
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senate-whores like to run their pie-holes
If I had to bet, I’d wager that those Republicans that voted for the $95 Billion Ukrainian Aid Bill recently are either compromised or in on the grift; or both….
He’s just mad he can’t bomb the shit out of it.
Typical Deep State Military Industrial Complex thinking – Never address reality if it doesn’t fit in ‘The Plan’ – always push the defined narrative. Must keep the money flowing – to themselves.
Something’s gonna break before the “election”.
How many more examples are needed to finally realize that the republican party is not your friend? I’m seriously starting to believe that I don’t belong in a party the no longer represents me.
To paraphrase Ronaldus Maximus:
“I didnlt leave the Republican Party, the Reublican Party left me.”
I’m not concerned with oligarchs buying yachts with taxpayer money in Ukraine, THom.
I’m concerned with how your net worth grew from $3.5 million in 2020 to $11 million today at the same time we were “funding Ukraine” billions of dollars. Eat shit, YOU are the oligarch.
@ Say What
The GOP has fallen to the category of:
Voting for the Lesser of Two EVILs.
As bad as they are, it’s better than voting Democrat.
But, regrettably the lesser Evil remains evil.
I actually did vote for the 95 billion dollars before I realized climate scammery was more personally lucrative.
It’s always interesting to hear one side complain how the other are useful idiots because they “support Russia/Putin”, yet they are in full support (some might say overly suspicious support) of a country that is one of the more corrupt ones in Europe.
I read a report sometime ago that ranked countries y personal freedoms. Russia ranked number 2 as I remember. The USA was way down that list. Thanks to Thom and people like him. Any legislation these assholes pass ends up being a loss of freedom. And that’s all they do is pass bull shit legislation.
russian subways probably don’t have dindu-riders with their a**es hanging out of their pants
They really think we don’t know that they’re laundering money while simultaneously covering for their compromised positions?
We know you’re all blackmailed and eventually we’re gonna stop paying taxes all at once.
At some point you won’t be able to hide, Mr. and Mrs. Politician.
You can keep printing dollars all you want but the world won’t use it because it’s worthless.
Then come the tribunals……no deals and NO appeals.
All because Putin “will not” submit to the NWO.
The goal is submission or replacement.
A treaty was drawn up in 2022, our corrupt gov’t didn’t want to end the money funnel.
He’s mad because making anything Russian look half decent cuts into his wallet and he can’t bring himself to call out all the wokeness that fosters and makes excuses for certain groups’ bad behavior.
Don’t we spend close to half our salaries on food now too? What a dipshit. Better than spending it on transgendering or some other perverted bullshit.
The Russia ‘threat’ is. distraction. The real threst is China. And China owns a majority of Congress and American governors (like Gavin Newsom).
Tillis calling others useful idiots?
Tillis should talk to this guy. First term Mark Green, I’m out of here. This place can’t be fixed from with in. I think we need this guy. He gets it.
Useful idiots? I would never call them useful, more like useless idiots. Fock Russia, fock Putin. But if some of yous love the Motherland you’ll welcomed to pack up to Putin land, he’s always looking for new conscripts to die in the Ukraine.
Patriots love the American motherland, that is why common sense causes them to note that Democrats are destroying the country while Russia has improved ..Democrats hide in groups and try to be Anonymous..
Anyting you say Comrade, Russia improved, sure certainly & I have oceanfront beach property in Arizona.
$95,000,000,000.00 divided by 330,000,000 U.S. citizens is about three-hundred dollars per U.S. citizen.
I would give $300 to see a map with the eastern half of Ukraine sewn on to Russia and the western half divided between Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova.
Tillis – should be in the next Webster’s defined as “Chicken Gutted RINO”.
Imagine him calling himself a conservative while carrying water for the pervert(s) in DC.
Ukraine is none of our damned business. It’s a fight between cousins over the location of a border. We did not get involved in WWII until it concerned us. Why get into this Ukraine mess now?
I know, I know. DC Warmongers tell us Russia is still an enemy, about to steal our wealth and enslave us. Like nothing has changed since 1946.