What’d She Do? – IOTW Report

What’d She Do?


1. During husband’s administration, used the IRS as a hammer against political opposition and enemies.

2. Fired existing employees of the white house travel department and stocked the positions with cronies.

3. Made $100,000 on a $1,000 stock investment (more accurately, a 9,987% profit) in 9 months and claimed she did it through dogged research.

4. After suicide of the deputy white house counsel, her first action was to clean out his office of all documents associated with investigations in which she was involved.

5. In exchange for bloc votes and cash for her senatorial bid, her husband granted controversial pardons of criminals and terrorists.

6. Claimed she was under enemy fire in Bosnia to bolster her gravitas and project an image of a hardened brave world traveler. No such incident took place.

7. Set up a foundation in her name in order to help people around the world.

8. As secretary of state, she lied to the surviving members of fallen American heroes in order to preserve her political legacy and her presumptive role as democrat nominee for the presidency of the United States.

9. Kept a private server, illegally, out of the prying eyes of FOIA requesters and then lied about whether confidential information passed through that server.

10. Was defense council for a corrupt financial institution that she had investments with, Madison Guaranty. Subpoenaed records and all associated documents disappeared from her office at the Rose Law Firm only to be found later in the white house.

See what she really did HERE.


10 Comments on What’d She Do?

  1. On number 8 (Benghazi lying), I remain horrified that US citizens were left unaided while under attack, and with apparent forewarning (many requests for additional security). It was a 3AM call that went unanswered. Terrible that Her Thighness lied to families, but more terrible that the families’ loved ones were not protected/rescued, even with an attempt. Shameful!!! And she wants us all to “move on”.

    And her supporters don’t care about these things. Their common rejoinder to any negative info is “they all do it”. That’s crap!

  2. Oh. About those *pesky* emails….

    “…Hillary Clinton and her aides not only violated numerous federal criminal statutes, but may have conducted a cover up to hide incriminating evidence – the likes of which forced Richard Nixon to resign as President. This article was intended to be a quick, digestable piece to help everyone get caught up on the scandal, but I really had no idea how complex this issue was. Here is the takeaway – I believe the FBI will refer Hillary Clinton for indictment for a violation of Section 1924 and Section 793 of Title 18 US Criminal Code dealing with deletion, retention and transmission of classified documents. If prosecuted and convicted, the punishment would be some combination of a fine, a year in prison or 10 years in prison. The implications for the Presidential race will be discussed.”


  3. 11. Shredded her legal records from Rose Law Firm during pending criminal proceedings involving the matters which would (in her case who knows) normally be in her legal, law firm, documents and files. Poof. Gone.
    The Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Castle Grande, etc, etc, etc.

    Here’s the link to the JW report. Well worth some reading time. Also in the report is the memo outlining the reason behind the decision to not indict her. The reason was her “high profile,” or something, its was determined, would make it harder then it should have been, based on the evidence, to put on a winnable case in front of a jury. An indictment against her was drafted. It exists. JW has filed legal proceedings to obtain a copy of the indictment. The White House is fighting against release.


  4. I know REgressives to whom that absolutely none of this matters.

    They will vote for her and if they could, they’d ride again for 35 cents. They would rather die and I mean that almost quite literally, before they would EVER vote Republican. There has never been a starker choice of paths based on previous experience and they would just as soon eat from garbage cans then pull the lever fro Trump.


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