What’d She Do? – IOTW Report

What’d She Do?

This is disturbing footage.

One wonders what this woman did.

17 Comments on What’d She Do?

  1. No burka or hijab – she was wearing decadent western clothing, so it was their duties as moslems to deliver a beat down to her.

    Good thing she wasn’t wearing a vagina costume from the recent feminist march or they would have f*#%ed her to death.

    Yeah …… DJT is a terrible person for wanting to keep insane goat humpers like this out of the country at least temporarily.

  2. We’re gonna need a lot more rounds and
    That being said, I think it’s greta trying
    to get her name in the news again and she really
    don’t give a shit other than that. No different
    from the recent unseated wookie from the house
    on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  3. Isn’t islam wonderful? Look they have their smart phones in her face and are taking pictures, just like the smaht agitators and disturbers do here in the US. How about we deport all hard core feminists to Yemen and Somalia and they can live with their heroes the muzzies? they deserve each other.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Woman Attacked by Muslims – dangerous loner

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