What’s Better than “Ultra MAGA”? How About “MEGA MAGA” – IOTW Report

What’s Better than “Ultra MAGA”? How About “MEGA MAGA”

Red State

But he [Joe Biden] didn’t leave it there. He now has a new slogan, moving from attacking “MAGA” to “ultra MAGA,” now it’s “MEGA MAGA.” More MAGA

14 Comments on What’s Better than “Ultra MAGA”? How About “MEGA MAGA”

  1. I just want a president who actually gives a shit about America and its citizens. Is that too much to ask for? America First, the two scariest words to a democrat. Such a shame.

  2. @ecp October 23, 2022 at 9:22 am

    > I just want a president who actually gives a shit about America and its citizens. Is that too much to ask for?

    While The United States occupies America?

    Yes. Yes it is too much to ask for. Now “pay” “your” “taxes”. And VOAT! Hard!

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