What’s Causing Hillary To Make This Face? – IOTW Report

What’s Causing Hillary To Make This Face?

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29 Comments on What’s Causing Hillary To Make This Face?

  1. I think it’s a real medical problem and she avoided debating sanders as much as possible because it took this long for docs to get her medicated to a point that it’s less obvious. It doesn’t look controlled at all, but of short enough duration or anticipated onset that she ‘recovers’ by ‘blending’ her facial expression to try to make it look like a natural.

    Either that or the demons trying to possess her realize they’re up against something bigger and uglier than they are and leave abruptly.

  2. It’s all fake, like the convention itself. No genuine enthusiasm. It was evident to anyone who watched. Cameras panning to portions of the crowd whose body language and facial expressions betrayed the roaring applause track, with cameras quickly panning back to Hillary. Ready-to-deploy signs bearing the names of speakers, hoisted by the paid – er, faithful – on cue.

    Nope. Just an exaggerated, forced reaction on her part to make it appear something’s really happening.

  3. She’s having a small seizure caused by hotosensitive epilepsy. She probably has brain damage from her “blood clot”. This is a reaction to flashing lights. This has happened before.

  4. I agree … There is something seriously wrong with this woman. She cleared her throat 22 times last night and who knows what they did to suppress the cough.

  5. my sister in law has been visiting all week. She has voted democrat every election in her lifetime. 20 years ago i had limbaughs first book laying on a library shelf. She turned it face down. We’ve had our battles every year. Last year at this time she was visiting and when Trump announced I told her he would be our next president. She had a fit. I wasnt looking forward to her visit coinciding with that shitload of crap in Philadelphia, but she said nary a word. Not a peep. Eerily quiet. I think she is beginning to crack.

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