What’s Fake and Violent and Red All Over? – IOTW Report

What’s Fake and Violent and Red All Over?


At the tip of the cultural Marxist spear today is the trans cult. Just a year ago, it was the racialist cult of Black Lives Matter. Their presence is smothering in cultural spaces by design. In fact, their defiance of norms is predictable. After all, over the last seven years or so we’ve seen veneers of civil comradery peeled back, or else worn so thin as to become transparent.

A public pause to mouth the platitudes of togetherness is no longer required in a society so clearly divided along ideological lines. Indeed, such niceties are ridiculed as a sign of weakness or inauthenticity. “Where was your Christian god that day?” the left sneered. “Guess your church can’t protect you, after all.” More

12 Comments on What’s Fake and Violent and Red All Over?

  1. We are well past comity, civility, or mutual harmony. Everyone of them hates every one of us, and we hate them right back. This house divided which cannot stand, needs to be broken up into several different distinct houses.

    The divorce is inevitable, the only question is how will the assets be divided.

    Now, it’s only a matter of drawing up the boundaries, and allowing ourselves to separate in peace.

  2. Does anyone have an estimate of the population of each group/type of Lefist, ne’er-do-well, malcontent, shit-for-brains, sicko whack jobs in the United States?

    For example (hypothetical, made-up)

    Actual surgical transvestites: 1,050
    Pretend transvestites (penis between legs): ~20,000
    Gay men: ~2.7% of male population
    Gay women: ~4.8% of female population
    Total practicing Faggots (LGBTGABCDEFGHIJKLMN): ~16.2% of population
    Incoherent whack jobs (drugs & mental illness): 18,232,025
    Leftist assholes who need their asses kicked: 74,524,991
    Communist Democrats who need their bells rung: 165,723,045
    (You do the math. I’m tired.)

  3. Total LGBTQ is less than 1%. Their purpose is for us to gain acceptable of the abnormal as normal. Then the the Pedo elite can make pedophilia seem normal.
    How many paid instigators were there at protests? Where is Ray Epps these days?
    It’s all theater. They would love to have someone strike back, to further their causes.
    It’s not to protest the want, it’s the reaction.
    If you find yourself standing in front tank, it’s over.

  4. God is in charge.
    I have no idea how all this pans out, but it’s clear that the Satanists, in their many and varied guises, are making their great push. Satan deems his time is come.
    Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Kim, Mussolini, Biden, Maricon, Schwab, Obola, Yellin, Vindman, Romney, Wilson, Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, et. al., are the tools of Satan – his avid followers – his able henchmen.
    War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death are unleashed upon the Earth by those who should be containing them – or, at least, minimizing them.

    Today is Good Friday – a Good Day to Pray.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ‘Marxism’ is actually a racist creed against blaks, created by Karl Marx who was a noted racist. Similar to Joe Biden’s Ku Klux Klan and his long associations with the sinister group.

  6. Don’t forget that these Men “transgendering” into Women are still men and have the aggressive chromosome that all men have. Female to male trannys won’t be as aggressive.

    They are aggressive transgenders out for false revenge and are now thinking seriously about killing Conservatives, Patriots, and God-believers.

    They’ll get return fire. Once they go on killing sprees, their demise will soon follow.

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