What’s for dinner? – IOTW Report

What’s for dinner?

I&I: For those who haven’t heard, cattle and pork are threats to the environment. The farms that raise them are foul greenhouse gas offenders. Better, say our superiors, that we settle for a nice bowl of insects instead.

A recent New York Times opinion feature headlined “​​The Joy of Cooking (Insects)” looks at “​​our broken food system and the three chances you get to help fix it – and save the planet – every day.”

“​​A growing tribe of environmentalists, academics and entrepreneurs are arguing that edible insects must enjoy a wider acceptance to help create a more sustainable global food system,” says the Times.

“It’s time for bugs. Whether you regard them as agents of filth or sources of nutrition, integrating more of them into your diet … is among a suite of dietary changes that we urgently need to consider to deal with food insecurity, biodiversity loss and climate change.”

The World Economic Forum claims “eating insects could reduce climate change” since “our consumption of animal protein is the source of greenhouses gas.” MORE

30 Comments on What’s for dinner?

  1. Time to dust off ye olde long pork recipes. I’ll risk kuru rather than eat bugs. Plenty of herbivorous two legged pigs wandering around, nicely finished on a diet of wheatgrass and soy…

  2. Ya gotta wonder, do they really care if we eat meat, or are they just fucking with us about it just to see how far they can push us on the subject? The day I see Klaus Schwab munching down on a roach burger is the day I actually take them seriously about it. Either way, they can keep their grubby little mitts the fuck off my fried chicken.

  3. Hummingbird Egg Omelette
    To sell at ridiculously expensive restaurants to ridiculously rich people

    A typical omelette requires 3 or 4 chicken eggs. This would require several hundred. The amount of time and effort to make one might be appealing to some. Plus, who knows? It might taste pretty good.
    Keep in mind, you’d need to do some marketing. These are happy free range hummingbirds who are not harmed in any way. You might also want to remind people that you don’t have to harm a bird to harvest its eggs.

    You could sell the idea by pointing out that chickens by comparison are foul (no pun) dirty creatures that scrape along in the mud and their own filth eating grubs and insects while hummingbirds are beautiful, clean little sparkly birds that eat nectar from beautiful flowers. Disgusting avian pig vs the flittering, glittering jewel of the bird world.

    Cost would probably be about $1,000 or so making it a bucket list item rather than standard breakfast fare unless you’re stupid rich.

  4. Eat bugs and weeds cuz… Climate Change!
    They’d love nothing better than to change us into a generation of stupid ruminents… don’t fergit to order yer second stomach from Amazon today!

  5. …I also have backyard chickens. Chicks are great, eat the eggs til you get no more, then eat the chicken.

    Governments after them too, of course. First it was propaganda like this,


    Next, it’s a “bird flu” like Coof that can spread to and be spread by chickens, next it will be “you have to surrender your chickens to Leviathan for the safety of your neighbors”.

    What kills deer can also kill chicken theives, whether they are wearing uniforms or not.

    Lots of hills where I live, lots of moist earth, lots of rocks, new mounds of turned earth wouldn’t get a second glance there, neither would open burns, and there’s not just coyotes but wolves and turkey vultures that can pick a deer to bones in a day and it’s not unusual to see quicklimelime-covered bones in the bar ditches along the roads there either. Death and decay are out in the open, just an accepted fact, and such a muddle of bones would get no more notice than the weeds in the culvert next to it.

    Just saying.

  6. They are forcing the day that we’ll have to reduce the worst pollution ever – eliminate all the communists, Marxists, and elites that refuse to leave the common people alone.

    Guaranteed the world will be a better place afterwards.

  7. Sapper Chris
    FEBRUARY 23, 2022 AT 10:14 PM
    “Plenty of herbivorous two legged pigs wandering around, nicely finished on a diet of wheatgrass and soy…”

    …except the meat is tainted by Fentanyl, alcohol, and other random assortments of chemicals, and I’m not sure how well-done it has to be to kill the syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, pappiloma, etc., that are endemic to those herds, plus they were acting really strange their whole lives prior to slaughter so they may have some mad cow variant as well…

  8. Hypocrites! Don’t eat the cute cows and chickens, eat the ugly bugs. Bugs have feelings, bugs are people too. And think how many bugs have to be sacrificed to make up a steak or chicken!

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