What’s Going On With Ilhan Omar? – IOTW Report

What’s Going On With Ilhan Omar?

26 Comments on What’s Going On With Ilhan Omar?

  1. She supported Matt openly about removing troops from Somalia and some other issues they’ve both agreed upon and both have said some nice things about each other on those agreements but maybe she’s developed a little CRUSH? He’s not anything like her brother, lol!

  2. So that you stop pronouncing the name of this Somali slut incorrectly like every dumbshit media talking head on the planet .. be advised that there are NO silent “h” in Arabic, or any other Middle Eastern language. In fact, the reality is the exact opposite!; there are THREE separate h sounds.

    So her name is not “Eel-Ahn” but ill-HAWN. Picture Goldie Hawn as a teenager getting drunk at a party for the first time, and going way overboard. At some point she would be obliged to bow down to the porcelain throne. At that point, someone might comment .. now that is one “Ill HAWN”. Then imagine saying this to Omar Sharif: That is truly an ILL HAWN ..Omar.
    Now, by Jove, you’ve got it. In future tutorials we’ll learn just how moronic Ah-MAWD Rashad is, in that he makes more errors pronouncing HIS OWN FUCKING NAME (UGH-med) than there are letters in his name

    And dont even get me started how we went to war to defend the kingdom of a guy named FAWD, even though his name is actually pronounced FEH-hid (short i)


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