Idea by The Daily Sunny
56 Comments on What’s He Being Forced To Look At?
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Idea by The Daily Sunny
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Ultra-reality oh my brothers!
Drop him off in Englewood Chicago a he can shoot it out with his “Homeies”
Moochelle’s dick.
He’s looking at the truth. After a 20 year drug blackout, he awakens to find he’s married to Mooch, with kids, and is POTUS. He finds that he has been propped up and played like a marionette by evil people. And he finds out he is a gay man. He calls for his Mommy and ValJar comes to his aid.
Judgement Day
he’s tryin’ to take a new approach to his putting woes ..
The Ghost of Christmas past and the brutha brought some chains…
“What’s He Being Forced To Look At?”
Hillary’s cankles.
An Obamacare Bill!
They’re forcing him to watch an uncut, uncensored Charlie Brown Christmas.
black on black crime
black on white crime
thugs who didn’t surrender and got shot
muslim beheading
mexican on american crime
$19 trillion dollars
a video showing what an asshole he is.
Moose naked!
= cruel and inhuman punishment
President Cruz’s first State of the Union Speech!
* Corporate Tax Cuts down to 15% across the board.
* Muhammad porking a pig.
* The Truth.
* NSA Full body xrays of Hillary.
* Secret photos of his affair with Barney Frank.
Welcome back, Sunny!
The constitution.
Trump throwing all his shit that smells like feet out of The White House before the place is tarped and deloused.
His soul in hell.
President Trump’s attorney general with an arrest warrant.
A white person reciting the Constitution
Portraits of Jefferson, Washington and Adams.
My stinky white ass
His legacy.
His fetid, diseased soul racing towards the white-hot Gates of Hell.
He’s being forced to watch as the lowly American People begin to:
America slowly turning her face away from Satan, and back towards the Lord God, Almighty.
Trumps Inaugural Address
An inbound Iranian Thermonuclear Warhead ICBM…
Re. Al. I. Ty.
The Charlie Brown Christmas special.
Roslyn Cater dancing with a half-empty wine bottle singing and weeping in joy that her husband is no longer the biggest Phuc-Up that has ever occupied the White House.
A.G. Cruz?
The recaptured jihadists he released sent back to a maximum secured, Koran and rug free, Gitmo – surrounded by a highly productive pork farm.
Hordes of angry Americans with boiling pots of tar and bales of feathers. And a prison cell with his name on it, with a non-islamic toilet that faces mecca and pictures of G.W. Bush painted on all the walls.
A heterosexual porno flick.
The ghosts of Founding Fathers past. And boy, are they pissed!
Pin Up Poster of Melania Trump
..the White House Maintenance Plumbers unstopping yet another toilet that Mooch busted
The right-hand panel of Hieronymus Bosch’s triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights with his own face superimposed on each and every one of the souls suffering eternal torment.
How do you get italics, underlining, special fonts, etc. in your comments? Everything I put in just converts to plain vanilla Arial script.
Basic HTML tags. Let’s see if I remember how to make them show up rather than act on the enclosed text.
<This will show up in italic<
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(That may not work and without an “edit” button I won’t be able to change it.)
At the start of the text you want in italics, wrap the letter i in angle brackets (less-than and greater-than symbols) instead of the square brackets I’ll use as a substitute. For bold, use the letter b.
[i]This will be in italics[/i]
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Comments at sites such as iOTWrpt allow only a subset of these. You’ll have to experiment a bit to find what works and what doesn’t.
Michelle is standing in front of him wearing a tight dress.
Well, to be accurate, everything she wears is tight.
…and a quid pro quo or taxpayer funded…
Thanks a million. I’ve been wondering about it for a while, and finally decided to ask someone. I’m pretty much a dinosaur when it comes to PC stuff, and I really appreciate your taking the time to explain things like you did.
Hillary’s Gynecologist….
Looking at his gas bill….
after putting the Hillbag in the stirrups
and kicking off the furnace to run for three days straight!
He’s looking at what’s going to happen to him after the next election, when America turns his retired ass over to ISIS.
You’re welcome!
Finding out Malia is interning for Bill Clinton…
Obama forced to watch Sean Hannity release his college transcripts on live TV…
I’d rather it be Rush. Rush deserves the scoop for all his years of service. He could do a one hour special, recapping all the lowlights of the past several years, and then have a big reveal at the end. Sorta like Al Capone’s vault except with results.
Soro’s true form.