What’s in Your Pants? – Michigan Approves America’s First “Gay Bank” – IOTW Report

What’s in Your Pants? – Michigan Approves America’s First “Gay Bank”

What in Stonewall is a Gay Bank?

“As the world’s only LGBTQ profit-for-purpose provider, Superbia is here to force the needed systemic change in banking, insurance and healthcare and install a new paradigm in funding LGBTQ social equality. Superbia Credit Union will offer products which are often outside the scope of a more traditional lender, such as loans for transgender people in the process of transitioning.

The Daily Wire reports-

They are “making the perception that members of the LGBT community face discrimination in financial services a key component of Superbia’s pitch to customers.”

“I was inspired to start Superbia by the sheer lack of needs and equal treatment of the LGBTQ being addressed and provided for in banking, insurance, healthcare and other fundamental services,” Meyers writes on his LinkedIn page. “Obvious and harmful misses are the access to quality LGBTQ-designed products and the delivery of services within an affirming experience guaranteed to be free of intolerance and discrimination.”


40 Comments on What’s in Your Pants? – Michigan Approves America’s First “Gay Bank”

  1. So, I think that I will give one of their loan officers a call and tell them that I identify as a stinky, billygoat buttfucking, pedophile. Oh wait, they already have Islamic banking…

  2. “I was inspired to start Superbia by the sheer lack of needs and equal treatment of the LGBTQ being addressed and provided for in banking, insurance, healthcare and other fundamental services,”

    Translation: We demand special, preferential treatment in all aspects of YOUR life for OUR benefit only.

  3. The only difference with this bank is they will openly discriminate against heteronormative people. They will claim it’s perfectly OKAY to do so because traditional “heteronormative banks” OBVIOUSLY discriminate against faggots. In fact, that was the ONLY question I was asked when I went to the bank for a home loan, “Are you a faggot?” Imagine if I said yes, the bank would ask me for proof of income or some other discriminatory bullshit question that’s not relevant for taking out a loan.

  4. HOLY SHIT! This gives a whole new meaning to the word “TRANSACTION”. What the hell are they going to call deposits, withdrawals, transfers and the like? In this context, “TRANSACTION” could mean, well, any number of other things!

  5. Ya’ know, it seems like the final stage of collapse in a civilization and culture is the widespread acceptance, glorification, and promotion of homosexuality.

    Maybe I’m wrong, I’m not a historian, but it seems that way to me.

  6. “…funding LGBTQ social equality.”

    So, I notice a creepy looking trans-faggot walking out of Faggot National Bank with money in its hands and I say to myself, “Well! That’s different! That person is equal to me now! Money talks and faggots walk!”

  7. It’s already been tried — a bank exclusively for women. It was back in the early ’90’s in Seattle. I can’t find anything online about it. The investors all lost their money. There’s a reason it’s never been done before. I hope Soros invests in it.

  8. Brilliant plan, loan money to mentally ill people to have sex changes. That group that tends to attempt and commit suicide at alarmingly high numbers, often can’t be employed at anything but a menial level. Loan them $100k+ to transition and see how many of those loans are never repaid.

  9. TP
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 12:26 PM
    “Whose picture is on those three dollar bills?”

    …that’s the TEST. It’s a picture of a famous homosexual’s bunghole framed by chaps. They say it’s SO well- known that EVERY gay man would know, and NO straight man, it’s their modern-day shibboleth in puckered patoot..

  10. Every account with a balance over $250,000 is called a “Babs”.
    Every account with a balance between $150,000 and $250,000 is called a “Judy”.
    Every account with a balance between $100,000 and $150,000 is called a “Barry”.


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