What’s It Called If a Minority Happens To Get Bad Service At an Establishment? – IOTW Report

What’s It Called If a Minority Happens To Get Bad Service At an Establishment?

We have all had horrible experiences at a restaurant, an airport, a car mechanic, a department store. But when these everyday occurrences happen to a minority it’s RACISM!

Liberals agree, they perpetuate this victimology and teach it as an art form. Parents pass down their acquired skills to their children.

A young Muslim girl is currently getting a lesson in victimology, where no one takes responsibility for their own actions, from her dad.

There’s a video on social media of a 14 year-old Muslim girl getting into a fight with another girl. It doesn’t go well. She is gang-jumped by the other girl’s friends and roughed up pretty good.

Sounds like something that happens every day in a school somewhere in this country. But one of the girls was Muslim. So, what is the only possible reason for this fight?


Here’s the father promoting this as the explanation for his daughter’s beat down.

My daughter Manaal Munshi (14 years – 9th grade student) was getting bullied by couple of school (West Boca High School, Boca Raton, FL) girls because she was Muslim. Today (DEC 21st) she decided to get this over and talk to girls but beaten badly by gang of girls. She didn’t picked up a hand because don’t want to fight back.
– My wife called police as soon as found out and pressed charges against the girls.
– Let’s see how USA rule of law works!!

Let’s see how USA rule of law works? Sounds pretty cynical and sarcastic and skeptical of our justice system. Coming from a guy whose homeland plucks out the eyes of peeping tom (whether the crime was proven or not) this is pretty rich.

Well, the law looked into the case, and the mother blew the lid off (which, if they were all back in their homeland, would mean the father could legally beat the mother with a camel tail for humiliating a man.)

Investigators said one student from West Boca Raton High School and another from Olympic Heights High School agreed to meet at 2 p.m. about an unresolved dispute at South County Regional Park, north of Glades Road and west of State Road 7.

The sheriff’s office said they spoke with the mother of the girl who was beaten and “at NO time was race or bullying ever discussed, determined or considered to have played a role in the altercation.”

“Nothing at this time indicates a hate crime. It was apparently over a boyfriend,” said the sheriff’s office.


What’s the penalty in Afshitistan, or wherever he’s run from, if someone makes a false claim? I think they pull out the tongue and shove it in a goat’s butthole, no? Let’s see if the father agrees to USA rule of law, or his Fatherland’s.

Full story and video HERE.

10 Comments on What’s It Called If a Minority Happens To Get Bad Service At an Establishment?

  1. Oh quite right. Twenty odd years ago I was working in Cincinnati for a couple of weeks. Went to a Denny’s restaurant, waited more than 30 minutes for a waitress to bring menus and take my order. They were not overcrowded at the time, there were many open tables.

    It was one of those cases where you debate if you’d get your meal any quicker if you left and went to the restaurant down the road. But you keep thinking, I’ve been here so long, surely someone will take my order soon. Quicker than I could drive to a different restaurant, so I waited a little long. Probably another 15 minutes.

    I think a year or two later on a motorcycle trip to Yellowstone I spent the night somewhere in Iowa. Had a choice between a Denny’s a little shorter walk and a Perkins across a busy street. Chose Denny’s. Got the same extra slow service at Denny’s. Not always, sometimes my order was taken quickly at a different Denny’s.

    Anyway, at the time this incident had been in the news.
    http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1994-12-16/news/1994350042_1_denny-restaurant-flagstar-discrimination .

    I thought Denny’s isn’t racist, nationwide they often give lousy service to all colors. But I couldn’t cry racism and sue them. [nor would I really want to. I just stopped going there any more]

  2. This is why segregation will end up being a necessity in any society where identity politics is given any credence. Once the victim hierarchy is established, the biggest “victims” just end up being the biggest assholes because they can get away with anything and call it bigotry if anyone outside of their identity group complains.

    Just look at what that cunt Sheboon Jerkoff Lee pulled on the airplane.

  3. Muslim girl with no hijab? And that boy she was fighting over had better be muslim, or the next we hear of her will be the honor killing. Although her family sounds like it claims Islam only when it benefiits their scam.

  4. travel tip: don’t expect good wait service at any road-side or tourist-stop restaurant. they know you are transient & won’t be back, so they don’t care whether or not you get good service.
    you need to take their service into consideration when you leave a tip … if any. they figure you’re not coming back …. so neither should you

  5. ” Rat Scrounger’s ”
    They are fighting for a Larger piece of Cheese, far larger than our chunk. They will never stop ” Never ” they were born at the Dump, and will Cut you for taking what’s yours.
    Send them home the second Isis has been diminished !

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