What’s It Like To Be in a Den of Brainless Zombies? – IOTW Report

What’s It Like To Be in a Den of Brainless Zombies?

Antifa activists supporting Sharia Law were infiltrated by a brave patriot who simply asked, Andrew Breitbart-style, “do you support the stoning of women?”

The glazed over eyes, sometimes angry, often just comfortably numb, peered back at him unwilling to answer the question.

One woman shrugged as if she didn’t even know why she was there or what the event was even about, suggesting she’s just a paid semi-warm body.

They also didn’t like his shirt. (The best damn shirt ever made.)

ht/ c. steven tucker.


12 Comments on What’s It Like To Be in a Den of Brainless Zombies?

  1. Ask em these questions….’What country is ruled by Wahhabi?’….’Do Wahhabi’s let women drive cars?’….’Do you like to drive a car?’….where do ya stop?…

  2. Half these Leftards are so ignorant they conflate Islam with Thur confused notions of Buddhism.

    Recent D.C.party chitchat. Actual quotes:

    “Islam is a beautiful Eastern religion”.

    “Sharia is like Sufi poetry. It’s… like Zen,”

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