What’s Joe Gonna Do About China Not Going Along With His Dopey Climate Agenda? – IOTW Report

What’s Joe Gonna Do About China Not Going Along With His Dopey Climate Agenda?


If we are slated for a Biden presidency, we will get the most climate change-conscious administrations in US history. The climate agenda has been elevated to a “whole of government” approach, straddling the key portfolios of national security, foreign policy, and economy and finance. From January 20th 2021, “fighting global warming” will be elevated to a primary concern of the vast US government bureaucracies ranging from the EPA and the Federal Reserve to the Pentagon and the State Department.

Is there any flaw in the thinking here? To give you a clue, Doshi titles his piece “Biden’s Coming China Headache.” The simple fact is that China is four times the size of the U.S. by population, and they aren’t going along with the “emissions reduction” thing even a little. Instead, China is in the process of increasing its own emissions by far more than any modest reductions the U.S. or for that matter Europe may ever be able to achieve. Start with the Paris Agreement, from which Trump extricated the U.S., but which Biden intends to rejoin:


ht/ marco

16 Comments on What’s Joe Gonna Do About China Not Going Along With His Dopey Climate Agenda?

  1. He has already been paid well to not care whether China participates. And he is not going to be around long enough to be a factor. If the libs hold on it will be kammie the commie that lets China skate.

  2. China is basically excused from the Paris Climate Accords. The whole point of it is to elevate China and also allow globalists to put their factories in third-world countries with cheap labor without having to worry about this stuff.

  3. China loves the Paris Accord and would order their bought lackey, Joe, to re-join immediately.

    China knows (as we all do as well) that it is costly and ineffective, that it would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, decimate manufacturing, and shave about $4 trillion off of our GDP.

    It is a feckless agreement among Western nations bent of committing economic suicide.

    China will stand on the sidelines, and watch as it’s global competitors weaken themselves, which only makes China stronger.

  4. More than 1.2 million Earths can fit in the sun and we’re traveling over 25,000 MPH toward a black hole at the center of our galaxy on a journey that will take Earth more than 1 trillion years to complete.

    And these people think humans have something to do with the climate.

  5. The American Communist Party NEVER INTENDED to make China be part of any “climate change” effort. They WORK for the CCP. The entire goal of the “green new deal” and all the other “climate change” bullshit is to be used as an excuse to DESTROY THE AMERICAN ECONOMY. Come on now….this isn’t rocket science. These people aren’t even TRYING to hide what they are doing or why.


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