What’s Kim Jong Un like? Pompeo will tell you – IOTW Report

What’s Kim Jong Un like? Pompeo will tell you

Daily Caller: Pompeo Describes What Kim Jong Un Is Like In Person.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described what North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is like in person during a Sunday interview with Fox News.

Pompeo described conversations with Kim Jong Un as “professional.”

“He knows his brief, he knows what he is trying to achieve for the North Korean people, he’s able to deal with complexity when the conversation requires it,” Pompeo said.

The Secretary of State also noted that Kim Jong Un pays attention to Western media, saying, “He does follow the Western press. He will probably watch this show at some point. He’s paying attention to things that the world is saying.” more here

10 Comments on What’s Kim Jong Un like? Pompeo will tell you

  1. he knows what he is trying to achieve for the North Korean people

    Funniest thing I read all week. So long as Pompeo realizes “Korean people” means Kimmie and a few dozen families at the top that brutalize North Koreans to keep him in power.

  2. “he’s able to deal with complexity when the conversation requires it,” Pompeo said.

    the wizards of smart. these swamp critters are so full of themselves and their inflated ego’s.

    their failures of the last 50 years although very much in the forefront of the worlds problems still goes right over their heads.

    their inept actions brought kim to power. not kims complexity with conversation.

    liberals have no concept of the state of human nature.

  3. Pompeo reminds me of Nevial Chamberlain going to talk with Hitler in the late 30’s and coming back with a piece of paper and say– we have peace in our time” we shall see about rocket boy and his “turn around” 🙁

  4. You can’t say that things at least seem a bit different.
    With the Winter Olympics and what is going on now.

    Just keep that dude Madelyn Albright and the tattooed baboon Dennis Rodman away from Rocketman and it may just work out.

  5. Pompeo has to compliment Kim. It may or may not be true, but he has no choice. What do you think would happen if he says “Kim is a little fat bastard who only cares about self-preservation”? We have a chance to actually end the Korean war, possibly achieve real disarmament (although I’m not holding my breath), and maybe even free up the populace. Compromises must be made to do this. Don’t slam Pompeo just because he’s doing something that he has to do in order to achieve a greater goal.

  6. @Major Mal Function May 14, 2018 at 7:33 am

    > > he knows what he is trying to achieve for the North Korean people

    > So long as Pompeo realizes “Korean people” means Kimmie and a few dozen families at the top that brutalize North Koreans to keep him in power.

    Yeah. If only the Koreans (the Good™ Koreans) would follow the example (the Good™ example) of Americans (the Good™ Americans), and put themselves on a list. A list for the smartestest, nastiest, wymyn evah! To be told what those people (those little people) will be approved to have, to protect themselves. From Patriots™ (and Nazis™). This week. Things would be oh, so utopic. For Koreans. And Libyans. And Iraqis. And… hey, Lurch, who else we got on a list, today?

  7. Pick a neutral location without bodyguards. Me and Kim will play texas holdem or checkers for the future of the world and I guaran(damn)tee ya that I’ll sell him back his pants at the end of the night…..fuck it, lets play”Battleship’….

    ‘Rockem sock em Robots’…Legwraslin’?….where do I stop?…

  8. Diplomacy means you might have to say some semi-nice things to not-nice people in order to work a deal. It’s not smart to insult a person who just released 3 US hostages to show he is serious about cutting a deal on nukes. A wise man insults before and after, but not during negotiations.


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