What’s Less Repellant? Eating “Ship Worms” or “Naked Clams”? – IOTW Report

What’s Less Repellant? Eating “Ship Worms” or “Naked Clams”?


Scientists at a Devon university are hoping to become the first in the world to farm a marine pest for food production.

The University of Plymouth said shipworms, renamed “naked clams” to make them more marketable, had been viewed as a pest due to them boring through wood underwater, including shipwrecks and docks.

In a study, they said they had found the saltwater clams converted wood into a “highly nutritious protein” which was high in levels of Vitamin B12 – almost twice that found in blue mussels.

Bosses said a system had been designed to allow worm farms to be set up anywhere in the world, with wood and water being the only ingredients needed. More

25 Comments on What’s Less Repellant? Eating “Ship Worms” or “Naked Clams”?

  1. Um, People living in the Phillipines eat them? Do they willingly and enthusiastically seek them out to eat? Or are they the poor who can’t afford anything other than shipworms? No, thank you.


  2. Conservative Cowgirl
    TUESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2023, 16:08 AT 4:08 PM
    “Um, People living in . Othe Phillipines eat them? ”

    …Phillipines also eat aso (dog) stew and balut, which is a mostly gestated duck embryo cooked in the shell that P.J. O’Rouke once (accurately) described as looking like an advertisement for the Duckberg branch of Right-To-Life that is eaten beak, webbed feet, and all.

    I’ve known, worked with, and liked Phillipinos and Phillipinas in my life, but I have no interest in sharing in the traditional cuisine.

    But none of it surprises me.

    Only Africans eat nastier things.

  3. Hugh Betcha
    TUESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2023, 16:36 AT 4:36 PM
    “Sometimes they can be a bit…tart, Wild Bill.”

    And you may experience temporary deafness from the sudden clamping action of the thighs.

    If you’re doing it right.

  4. The weird thing here is that one can get slang for genitalia from both sexes from these two names. And yes, there are only two genders.

    Frankly, I’m not too keen on eating a bowl of whatever they decide to name the thing.

    Anyone have a better food name for this species? See images below

    They’re kind of pale and shrimp like looking. How about “satin shrimp”? Now that sound more appetizing, doesn’t it?

  5. After Bill Gates ties up all the grazing land, and the Chinese buy up the remaining 40% of the pork production in the US, we will be looking forward to a thanksgiving naked clam feast. If the elites get their way.

  6. Mussels really do have beards. You have to pull them off before eating, although some people may eat the entire thing, beard and all.

    I was so disturbed when I saw bearded mussels that I swore I’d never eat one again. It’s really repulsive to see.


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