What’s More Corrupt Than the Bidens? – IOTW Report

What’s More Corrupt Than the Bidens?


He sure had access to a lot of money for a “poor public servant,” didn’t he? 

That should raise a few questions, just as how his degenerate kids and brother, who couldn’t hold real jobs, managed to parlay a complete lack of skills, ability and knowledge into more money than the typical American family will see over generations from any number of disconnected overseas industries.

Attached to the Biden name, however, those questions are not asked. More

57 Comments on What’s More Corrupt Than the Bidens?

  1. What’s More Corrupt Than the Bidens?

    Anybody in the used VW Westy market. I’m selling a 76 with all the camping gear for 3750 and I STILL get people trying to bargain me down.

    It’s a sick and twisted market.

  2. No way. I can show you a bus with bondo and sheet metal over serious corrosion that people tried to sell for 10 grand.

    I’m telling you, until the millionaires buy out the hippies, the VW Westy market is a SCAM.

    Fortunately, the millionaires should wrap this market up in the next decade or so.

  3. Everybody that is standing behind the Biden making $BILLIONS.
    Pfizer comes to mind. Amazon, Google, Apple, Dr. Bill Gates, who thinks 10 yo should consider the sex trade for a living.

  4. I dunno’, I guess when I think of corruption I think of someone sticking it to the little guy. Like Mr. Burns blocking the sun or something.

    All these politicians seem more like greedy narcissists.

    The bus people though…. they all have Snidely Whiplash mustaches.

  5. At Burrmobile – I know someone who is really into them. If you are truly selling it I will send you my email through BFH. Reply here so I can give him the go-ahead to give it to you.

  6. I’m in Arizona. The bus is on craigslist in Prescott under auto parts. It’s also on the samba dot com. Just contact me through there so I can send pics.

    Man, this place really needs a market.

    Also, this whole day I’ve been dealing with morally corrupt and skeevy people. Man, I’m trying to be the good guy, take a 6 grand hit and help someone else out.

    So who’s corrupt? Seems like most people are to some degree.

    Except the Yurropeons. Damn, those poor bastards are desperate for these things and will pay through the nose for them. I could go that route. But then I’d be corrupt as Biden.

  7. See? I want no part of all that. VW’s used to be a mellow market. Cheap stuff. Now it’s cut throat. seriously.

    I’ll stick to wrenching on classic Fords for old guys. They’re always super nice.

  8. The parts are still reasonable, but the cars have become silly. I bought my 73 Super for 5000 (and I sorta thought I was getting fucked) 12 years ago. Everybody hates Supers, so it was a little cheaper than a “real” Beetle. I put disc brakes on the front, and the proper SVDA dizzy, new fluff in the seats, new jugs and pistons, cleaned up all the shitty wire work, new ball joints and steering system bungs, new center link, new damper, new front bearings, and rebuilt all the other little shit the PO deleted. The PO had deleted the thermostat and louvers, and some tinware.

    Anyway I was about 7000 into it. Oh, and a decent carb. Fucking idiot had a 37 dollar chink carb WAY overjetted because he had the 009 dizzy that’s a worthless piece of shit.

    Why am I babbling about this…? Oh, yeah, VW people are fucking retards.

    People who drive them just drive them. People who fuck with them and destroy them just bitch that they suck, and try to sell them to other retards for 25000 dollars.

  9. “Brad, you got teen offspring. You want a VW bus for 3750?”

    Sorry Burr. My kids are way past teens. I’m old. There’s like me and dirt. And they all drive much newer cars and trucks than I do. I don’t get it. Oh wait, I own mine. I’m just enough of a car buff to know those things are in demand. Raise your price.

  10. the International Banksters … on the Corruption Scale they’re well above Satan’s minions, Klaus Schwab & the Soros cancers.

    … they’re the ones that dreamed up the Fed & always finance both sides in the ‘Perpetual Cycle of Wars’ scam on the world.

  11. Burr, If things were normal I’d tell you to drive it to any where on the Central Coast Highway and list it for 10K.
    Having said that, Santa Cruz might still be ripe. I’m half way in between. You’re welcome to stay here on the way.

  12. Raise my price?

    I can’t. Morally. I cannot in good conscience charge a buttload for this bus. Yes, I paid a buttload, but that’s my bad. It would be…not good… to to try and cover my losses by sticking it to someone else.

    You want to know why I’m even charging 3750? That’s what 2 new longboards, plus 10% Cali sales tax would cost me. Bing surf shop. Encinitas California.

    My Westy for 2 boards sounds…..pretty fair. Karmicly wise.

  13. Burr: I checked out the CL. I think we are neighbors.

    Every few years I get the urge for an airhead VW, then I get one and remember why I sold the last one. My first car was a 60 bug. A few years later, a 74 bay window. Later still, a 914. Much later a 73 beetle (not a super). In between, a few corvairs. I like quirky.

  14. You misunderstand, or I was not clear. People who drive VWs are more than happy to be helpful and try to keep them on the road. I am one of them who wants to keep them on the road.

    The retards re-engineer shit that should not be fucked with. And they fuck it all up and complain the fucking thing brews up. They brew up from time to time even when correct. Our job, my job, is to help retards to not be retarded.

    I hope that is clear.

  15. I get a 13% percent discount on slurpies with my Retard Club card…

    All I know is if I took it all apart and sold off every piece one by one…I could get about 7 grand. Legitimately.

    But like I say. Screw that, drive this rust bucket away and order me some boards.

  16. Burr is not cutting me any slack.

    I love my Super. I’d drive it every day if I got out of bed every day.

    100% my favorite vehicle.

  17. Look man, my wife has an Mr2 Turbo. It feels like I’m driving a rocket powered Tic Tac. I like my big Ford 100. The Westy is fun to drive but at the end of the day…. it’s a VW. Unless it’s Herbie, it ain’t goin’ as fast as I want.

  18. Tony R, yup, quirky. Very few can even start the engine. I took out the electric choke and put in a hand choke. And then getting it into reverse… down (really DOWN past the lock plate) and to the left and to the rear.

    And they say they have no heat. Bullshit. Tons of heat as long as all the other shit is correct. Burn your ass up, heat.

    I love the airheads. Not for everybody, but just fine for the cat who has a 4 inch adjustable wrench on his keychain, and a boot full of tools and spares.

  19. Erik: Yeah, heat. I remember back in the 80s, driving my kids to school in the bay window, and my son says “hey dad, why is the air in here blue?” And if you drove thru a puddle with the defrost on, the windshield would fog up.

  20. I was driving with Ian a few springs ago. Every time I pulled the heat lever I thought, “This fucking car stinks..”

    Then Ian said, “This car stinks when you pull that lever.”

    And then I pulled the lever and looked in the rearview. I was putting out as much smoke as a steam locomotive. Binding people. Killing sheep.

    It was my oil filter system. Busted a little weeper, but it weeped right on the muffler. Smoke and stink.

    Teflon. Just do teflon. It would have never happened had I done the correct shit the first time.

  21. I wonder how many midgets I could stuff in a Westy?

    That might be Guinness Book of World Records worthy.

    Has to be some way I can swap my Dub for some surfboards….

  22. As stated before, I’m as old as dirt. But an old street racer. A MOPAR guy. Even though my last hot rod was a 69 z. With a numbers matching DZ302. Some LA clown offered me 70K for it. I paid 30K. Sold. So now for my last act, I’m looking for a 69 Dart rolling chassis. I’m going to build something that throws pavement on a burn out. Preferably a four speed car.

  23. You could fit an army of midgets in a westfalia, Problem is you’d have to feed them. Or not. To hell with them. They can go all Donner Pass.

    Crom, I have never prayed to you before – I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad, Why we fought or why we died. No, all that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important. Valor pleases you, Crom, so grant me one request – Grant me revenge!

  24. Nope. Never posted on anything except craigslist. I understand the craigslist crowd. I posted to the Samba…. wham-o. The whole world is corrupt and full of people trying to get over on everyone else.

  25. Nay. tempt me not with your….how much?


    2 longboards. Bing surf shop. Encinitas.

    All someone has to do is order and pay for 2 boards I want. I’ll pick them up in January when they’re done.

    This whole thread is about corruption. I’m trying to not be “Evil”.

    I know, I know, it’s a whole new scene for me as well.

  26. “This whole thread is about corruption. I’m trying to not be “Evil”.”

    You can’t just spring this shit on us like this. Everyone here is use to the old evil Burr. LOL

  27. OK. My final idea. This ones money. Wailea. Yes Wailea. I know, I know, A certain amount of logistics involved in getting it over there. I’m quite sure you have many friends south of the border with Pangas, and if you flip that bus upside down, it floats. Bottom line, the Wailea market for VW Vans is off the hook. The place is wrecked with 20 year old coders that cashed in and now want to live the life style. And all that’s missing, is your VW van.
    You’re welcome.

  28. Yea well James Dean would have floated that thing to Maui.

    I mention James Dean because, well, I’ve suddenly realized, I’m not that smart. Case in point.
    “Along came a Spyder and picked up a rider
    And took him down the road to eternity”
    They were referencing the car. Damn it. I just figured that out.
    Better sell it local. Not sure how many long boards your gonna dig up in the Nations. LOL. Good luck to you.
    I’m out.

  29. Anonymous
    AT 12:26 AM

    That thing would be awesome with a built 340 in it as a Bob Tullius Group 44 Trans Am tribute car.

  30. Ha! So that’s it. The reason I’m running into so many scams is that I’m dealing with used car salesmen!

    If politicians were this bald faced I bet we could catch more of them,

    The latest is a guy selling a pristine bus for 11.5. Just sign up with the “shipping” company, they’ll handle everything…

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