What’s Not To Lauf? – IOTW Report

What’s Not To Lauf?


Catalina Lauf is 26 years old and running for Congress in Illinois, hoping to unseat a Democrat incumbent and push aside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the youngest woman ever to be elected to Congress.  Kyle S. Reyes of Law Enforcement Today writes:

She’s a young Latina. She’s from Illinois.  She’s running for Congress.  And she’s the polar opposite of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She’s conservative. She’s smart.  She’s gorgeous.  She supports law enforcement.  She actually loves America.  Her idol is Ronald Reagan.  And she’s not afraid to ruffle feathers.


ht/ hot salsa

33 Comments on What’s Not To Lauf?

  1. I’m sure she is a fine person, and no doubt she wants to make a difference for her country. I just think at 26 a person probably doesn’t have enough experiences and background to be one of 435 individuals tasked with representing 330,000,000 people. It’s not a slam on her, in fact everything I’ve seen about her I like.

  2. I agree with joe6pack, except for one small point. This 26-year-old conservative shows more maturity than 99% of the democrats currently in congress.

    I do prefer that people in national elected positions be older, but until the people running the RNC find older people with high standards, and a willingness to fight, I am willing to back a younger whippersnapper

  3. C’mon J6! You’d shun her in favor of older, wiser congresscritters like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swallwell, Ilhan Omar, Ratshit Tlaib, Steve Cohen, i’m too tired to mention all of the anti American mental defectives in congress.

    Dude. I love you brother, but, you are just wrong on this one. Do you know how many 26 and younger are serving in harms way, whether mil or leo or emergency responders, fire fighters?

  4. I Like, so far. Any true conservative of any race/color, is good, but time will tell if she is a real conservative or not.

    I would even vote for a true conservative without any color, such as an albino. Like an albino pygmy or midget. Now that would be pretty cool.

  5. PHenry, I agree with you on military service allowing a waiver on the age requirement. Assuming of course an Honorable Discharge. However, LEO, Firefighters, First Responders still have to wait until 30.

  6. Plus this is one of those recently absorbed faux democrat districts that soros bought in 2018. Import some voters, use the courts to redraw lines and dump tons of cash into.
    Same happened in VA7. My conservative county was drawn out of Dave Brat’s district and he was thrown into the expanding suburbs of henrico and chesterfield counties, with a large importation of liberal wash ashores

    Socialists are playing the long game. The rest of us are just frogs in a pot in cool water that’s beginning to warm up.

    I could rail on about this until I reach full boil.

  7. “one of 435 individuals tasked with representing 330,000,000 people”

    That statement is either totally naive or just dumb.
    NONE of those losers represent any interest above their own personal agenda.

  8. J6. Why does only our side have to wait?
    The other side wants to lower the voting age to, what is it, the fourth trimester. If we don’t kill you because you’re a nuisance then you are registered as a democrat to vote.

    Something like that.

  9. Always happy to see a solid conservative step up, especially in this political climate. More power to her.

    Speaking of power, I’m glad yours stayed on, BFH. You sure dodged one with Dorian.

  10. Another reason I believe 26 is to young is because I believe we are all better served with individuals that are not career politicians. If someone starts off at 26 and wins, the likelihood is that much greater that that person becomes a career politician. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

  11. @MJA – thanks for the clarification, but that said, I prefer to see the whole picture so I can make a reasonable conclusion. A cropped picture without her legal firearm, actually, is not telling the full ‘rest of the story’.

    IOW I did not realize that this was eye and sun protection at the range.


  12. I like what you’re saying, joe6pak, but I think Illinois is rather desperate as it’s about to go under in more ways than one.

    Similarly, I’d rather have teachers start teaching in their late 30’s after having serious careers first. Instead, most start teaching right out of college and ‘have nothing to teach!’ Having raised two sons who went to public schools, I’ve seen it directly. Some of the nube teachers are really shallow.

  13. I don’t disagree with you there.
    Problem with use oldsters is that we’ve forgotten moments that might be cast as regrettable moments.

    I always thought that if I were ever to run as dogcatcher my opening statement would have to include a disclaimer about my earlier promiscuity and stuff i smoked. I fucked her and smoked that shit. That is all.


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