What’s Not To Like? The President’s Latest Campaign Ad – IOTW Report

What’s Not To Like? The President’s Latest Campaign Ad

22 Comments on What’s Not To Like? The President’s Latest Campaign Ad

  1. I always notice how President Trump’s supporters always have genuinely happy smiles. The other side just has meanness, hatred and jealousy.

    I really want to go to a Trump rally, but I may have to travel from behind the iron commie curtain of Commiefornia to do so

  2. It’s too bad there doesn’t seem to be an audio recording device that can capture THAT ROAR! It’s like the roof is gonna blow off at any second.

    @Conservative Cowgirl — Trump did two rallies, one in Redding and another somewhere else in northern California in ’16. I think he’s going to be in your state a lot as the election nears. Have you joined up with your local Trump people to GOTV? Sign up as a volunteer early and you never know — you could be taking a selfie with the president at some point 🙂

  3. DJT is at war on our behalf against “The Deep State”, permanent non elected Government employees that do not represent your our my best interests but think they rule over us. I believe that to be truthful. Truthfully some of them are elected. And the louder they scream, the guiltier they are. At least Mitt “the little bitch” Romney doesn’t really hide it. I’ll tell you who’s a Judas. Lindsey Graham. There’s not one investigation he’s promised that is under way. Research it for yourself. He’s a Red Coat and should be treated as such. Far more dangerous than Mitt because Mitt is stupid and has a hard time being a total lying carpet bagger piece of shit. Not sayen he shouldn’t be dealt with. Fxcking loser.
    There’s a lot of money at stake here for extremely entitled people and their families at the expense of the rest of us. We just went thru 8 year of BoRock and companies bull shit. I’m not willing to keep this shit up.
    If all else fail, and if you don’t think these asshole will not try and kill DJT you have another thing coming.
    We need to keep a list. More importantly a RINO list. A traitors list. Keep track, buy more ammo and pray for DJT. I hope he still has some of his original security detail. Trying times. Just as important now as the Revolutionary war.

  4. Yeah, but not Seattle, joe6pak. –> Everett.

    Snohomish County will turn out in droves – and not have to resort to setting foot in Seattle and depend on corrupt Seattle cops for protection.

  5. How many times do we have to tell Larry The Liberal to fuck himself?
    Hey Larry, your comment has no basis in reality.
    It is not about the color of skin, it is about the integrity of your character.
    And you have neither integrity nor character!
    President Trump (MAN I LOVE SAYING THAT!) treats all people the same, AS AMERICANS.
    First person to hire a woman as foreman for building a skyscraper. Insisted that non-whites be allowed entrance to a club when the others on the team said no. Gave mass amounts of money to NYC inner-city youths for programs to help keep them out of gangs and off the street, etc etc etc etc etc ad infinitum.
    You sir are either extremely naive or you are lying. Either which way, GTFO!

  6. Joe 6 — He wanted to come to Seattle in ’16, but some fool barred him from landing at Boeing Field or some such. We went to his rallies in Linden and Everett. I think he was also in Spokane. The 2nd westside rally in Everett was relatively late in the cycle because it looked like he might have a shot in Washington state. I think his odds are even better this time around.


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