What’s that thing portraying the wife in the Infiniti CHRISTMAS Tree Commercial? – IOTW Report

What’s that thing portraying the wife in the Infiniti CHRISTMAS Tree Commercial?

We posted the idiotic commercial HERE.

I was taking a second look at the video and something caught my eye.

What the hell is the mother?? Is that Jason?

Whatever it is it has black hands and a powder white face.


See clip below.


35 Comments on What’s that thing portraying the wife in the Infiniti CHRISTMAS Tree Commercial?

  1. It’s a new “Winter” Tradition! Anything can happen. It’s magic!

    Maybe they should run a series of ‘story’ commercials in which the next installment shows the tree uprooting and sacrificing itself to a saw mill, shipped to Viet Nam, and made into thousands of Peace symbols. The final commercial shows the family driving out to the woods for next years’ “Winter Holiday”. The wooden Peace symbol is hanging from the rear view mirror of their Infiniti.

    Breathtaking! Magical!

  2. So, how did they get a Christmas tree with roots still attached? Did they dig it up, bring into their home (unnatural surrounding), cover it in lights and ornaments (smothering, denying oxygen and light), then take it to somewhere else (invasive species) to plant?

    Infinity, because black people are buying too many Cadillacs.

  3. I’ve watched this a few times today and no matter how hard I try I can’t make any sense of it.
    1. Where did the tree come from? Did they order it mail order? Nurseries don’t sell live trees in the winter. Did they dig it up in their backyard and now for some reason they’re taking it live in the forest – it’ll probably die. Did they get from a Christmas Tree lot? They don’t dig up their trees they cut them. Did they get it from a Christmas Tree Farm? You don’t dig them up you cut them. But ok they’re good little progressives so they managed to dig it up root ball and all and now they’re …what? liberating it? Again it’s going to die.
    2. Where are they planting it. If it’s on federal land, or in a park or national forest or national monument what they’re doing is a crime.
    It seems to be near a two lane road if so it could be state property if so that’s also an offense. That road looks like it could use some widening and better easements. What if they come back next year and find a paved shoulder where their tree used to be?
    3. And about that “see you next year” – what does that mean? That they’re going to be back with another tree next year or that they are just going to come visit that one every year? And why did they have to do this? Why not just plant the tree in their own yard? Wouldn’t that make more sense? Why is planting the tree in the woods somehow “better”? Of course the real reason is so that we can have several shots of the Infinity SUV going down the road including the obvious and obnoxious shot of the grill badge.

  4. The female (?) transgender, whatever, is wearing a black hijab and a white veil. FIFY No, wait, maybe it’s a white KKK hood under her hajib, those people hate Jews, and the tree is a Hanukkah bush they’re putting into a wash tub filled with acid. And, there’s a “pizza party” waiting at home for the kid.

    The child looks Caucasian with a bad perm. The driver also looks Caucasian.

    So now we know Infinity hates Jews and Christians, believe me.

  5. I’ve got no problem with interracial marriage/families if that’s what you’re into, but advertising has gone crazy with the mixed couple/family thing. It’s everywhere and has gotten to the point that it’s almost rare to see a couple/family that is the same race. This is not to reflect society, but to try to shape people’s viewpoint through the concept of making them feel like they are somehow bigoted if they prefer a partner of the same race. It’s social engineering on a very subtle level.

  6. It’s a white chick, I’m tired of being sold that this race mixing is so fucking harmonious. Blacks will cut our throats if they get the chance. White youth are being served this Bullshit nonstop. It’s getting real old being marketed to by negros and coal burners.

  7. @Hambone – Yes! Exactly this. I couldn’t care less about who people marry, but give me a break with the grossly overrepresented lefty pet demographics that they relentlessly push in media.
    You can’t go but maybe a single ad without ticking one of the following boxes:
    Interracial couple (in which the instances of white dude/black girl couples are waaaaay off statistically. It’s like 90% of the time the way it is in this Infinity commercial, but it’s probably 60/40 in ads. And funny, it’s practically always a thin, light-skinned girl who wears her puffy natural hair and probably has a white mom too but likes to pretend that part of her doesn’t exist so she can lead the local college womyn of color pow wow group. Most black women are proud of their curves, wear their hair smooth, and don’t give a crap about gender studies. Liberals sure do, excuse me, whitewash these things, huh? Also Asian woman/white dude but that’s been the toe in the pool for a while. That one is statistically represented pretty fairly, but the white dude is never old enough like they always are so much older in real life. Hey, I just call them like I see them.)
    Gay couple. (Zalles has an ad with a lesbian wedding right now, and there’s a couple of others. Again they aren’t often portrayed like the majority of lesbian couples, where one or both are ‘butch’ types. Instead they go with thin, mostly femme ladies, though they might have short hair in that hideous undercut thing that’s popular right now) I am surprised wally world even jumped on the gay train in their Thanksgiving? ad. It’s not outright obvious but it is if you are even mildly aware of the current model of gay dude. I think they have adopted the requisite Chinese girl too, or maybe that’s another family in that spot, it features several scenes it switches between, and they’re pretty much all on this list. Such as…)
    Hispanic family acting Hispanic (overt accent, gathering with extended family and culturesque decor, showing quinceañeras, etc) but not Hispanic enough where it actually resembles real life (never enough kids, for one. Same issue as above. Liberals sure do that a lot, for a group that’s supposed to be all about our differences)
    And a very recent one, they are including Down’s syndrome kids in lots of ads. (I think this is nice but can’t help but see the brainstorming sessions full of liberal media execs touting this latest virtue signal of inclusivity behind it and I get all jaded)
    Man doing feminine things or roles/girl doing masculine things or STEM field things or sports
    I don’t have any problem with any of this, but to me the obvious agenda of virtue signaling/pandering/virtue pandering is ridiculously evident, so whatever genuine attempts at including some supposed underrepresented group leave the same sour taste that I had when, as a teen, I first looked back at media from the late 80’s-mid 90’s and realized WHY they almost always had a kid in the group in a wheelchair, despite the fact that there was maybe ONE kid in a wheelchair my entire school career, and none at the time of said media. I realized it was probably an effort with noble and honest intention but got turned into the primitive form of… all this. It gets ridiculous in its heavy handedness to where you can imagine a South Park style parody, with one of the show runners in their neon tie, giving his pitch in 1986:
    “Get this. We make Mikey… [giving air quotes] DIFFERENTLY ABLED! And not only that, but we make him a GIRL!” “But Mark, this is a show about a Little League team. You know. Boys?” “Yeah, and how’s the kid on a team if she can’t run?” “But see, that’s the beauty of this! We can make the entire character about the wheelchair, and how she doesn’t want to be seen as different because of her wheelchair! Instant material!” “Hey, yeah! That’s perfect! We can make it an after school special! Give a PSA at the end!” “Two specials! She’s a girl, remember? That feminist crap is all the rage.” “I guess, but what does that have to do with the story?” “Shut up Paul, this is going to be great. It placates the lobbyists and media guardians and makes us look like we really care!” “But we already have a black kid!” “Space Chasers has a black kid AND a deaf kid! You want them to get another award for children’s programming?” “We can beat that!”

  8. First of all the tree they are supposedly returning to the wild is a Colorado Blue Spruce. It would weight at least 300 pounds so how the hell did they get it on the SUV to begin with ? It would be way to heavy to unload and would soon be dead if it was simply planted and left until ‘next year’ as the girl in the commercial states. Since the tree 🌲 is being left and assuming the entitled family won’t be keeping it watered through the spring and summer, it would not restablish a root system in its burlap in time to survive for next year. When they return on one year to pick up the tree it would be dead ! What a bunch of morons ! !

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