What’s the difference between Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams? – IOTW Report

What’s the difference between Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams?

GA Gov. Cand. David Perdue: Kemp and Abrams Practically Indistinguishable.

John Fredericks: Perdue Closing the Gap with Kemp.

19 Comments on What’s the difference between Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams?

  1. We would have been locked down like a m—-rf—-r if that gap-toothed behemoth had won. At least Kemp was pretty good in dealing with covid. And LCD is right to doubt Perdue.

  2. Oily, slippery, unctious looking chap with a phony smile. Reminds me of the Delta CIO that intrudes at the beginning of every flight telling us what’s important in life – that is, flying on Delta to places in the world with no strife, no racial bias, no hatred, no economic decline, no crime…only smiling, shiny, happy people to welcome us wherever we go…on Delta of course.

  3. Left Coast Dan,

    Perdue is the answer and the only answer to Kemp and the Pig. I will be at his rally on Monday where I hope to engage personally with him again.

    He isn’t GOPe. He is a one-term senator who won his election, but was denied it by voter fraud. I had a one minute conversation with him and he is pissed. He doesn’t have to so this, he is wealthy enough to just retire.

    If he wins Dominion tabulators are going to be a thing of the past in GA and he means it.

    Trump supports him and has endorsed him.

    I want every person on this website to spread the word that Perdue’s campaign commercials go far beyond Trump’s endorsement that Governor Kemp let us all down Georgia and to vote for Perdue.

    Predue states empathically in his campaign commercials that Kemp allowed voter fraud in 2020. That’s more than MAGA will do to upset the balance.

    Besides challenging an incumbent governor, never done by a member of the same party in Georgia, stating the 2020 voter fraud as an absolute fact is an heresy to the GOP establishment!

    Lastly, Perdue has been in litigation since November 2020 and has received discovery that proves he won in 2020.

    Do not doubt me and pass the word. We need Perdue in GA as governor!

  4. Heatsync,

    You must not live in GA. It’s way past comedy. I’m gearing for battle and I need everyone’s support. Perdue is the better pick and he’s pissed at GOPe that told him to stand down in November 2020 and wait for the runoff.

    He doesn’t owe them shit!

  5. Mortgages for the Masses
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 11:05 PM

    “If he wins Dominion tabulators are going to be a thing of the past in GA and he means it.”

    …which is why there’s no way I’m going to let him *giggle!* “win” in the present.

  6. Perdue, greasy chickens make a greasy politician. As long as he’s spewing lies hes good? I don’t see him making it or Adams, Kemp will hold on to the throne. Herschel Walker been hit aside the head one too many times, accused abuser, the perfect trump candidate, but not to good for Georgia.

  7. Kemp eats fried chicken with a knife and fork and raised pinky.
    Abrams sucks the fried chicken off the bones – both hands greasy.

    Kemp can converse through dinner.
    Abrams is too busy grabbing and stuffing with occasional grunts and snorts.

    Kemp is embarrassed when he farts in public.
    Abrams says: “Hey, that one smells like chicken! Gag a maggot!” and laughs.

    On politics, they’re identical twins – National Socialists.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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