What’s the Progressive Reaction to Comcast’s Announcement That They Will Invest 50 BILLION Dollars into Infrastructure After Trump Tax Cuts – IOTW Report

What’s the Progressive Reaction to Comcast’s Announcement That They Will Invest 50 BILLION Dollars into Infrastructure After Trump Tax Cuts

They also announced that 100,000 employees will get a $1000 bonus.

Is this not “winning”?


29 Comments on What’s the Progressive Reaction to Comcast’s Announcement That They Will Invest 50 BILLION Dollars into Infrastructure After Trump Tax Cuts

  1. “They also announced that 100,000 employees will get a $1000 bonus.”
    Libtard Socialist Reaction will be.

    “Comcast has no right passing out the governments money. The Government should decide who gets this money and these people are employed. This money should have gone to the dreamers not a bunch of middle class white people. “

  2. Evil corporations- the CEO is still getting 300 times what he should and they want their customers to have crappy service for a premium. This probably is because of net neutrality being repealed, not tax cuts. They are screwing Netflix and are reaping the benefits. (Thinking like a lib really hurts!)

  3. Schmucky Chucky’s got egg all over his face too from what he said!
    Then there’s that complete idiot Bella Pelosi and her likening the GOP tax bill to Armageddon. I swear that stupid ditz is more confused than a mood ring on a paranoid, bi-polar, schizophrenic chameleon trapped in a bag of Skittles!
    Sorry Progs! The Donald just shit in yer Communist rain barrel! Drink it in Assholes!

  4. Trump said that we won’t ever tire of winning! It’s worth getting up each morning to see what the next surprise is going to be by the end of the day. I won’t ever tire of this winning. The liberals are livid! LMAO! WINNING!!! Go Trump, We Love You!

  5. Trump LIED!
    He said I would get tired of winning, I would get tired of success after success
    He specifically said I would go to him and plead that ‘Its too much Mr. President! Make it stop!”
    I am here to tell you there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell of me ever getting tired of all this winning.
    I hope the winning gets so to be so much that it permeates the air and brings a rain of winning, that falls so long that it forms a lake of winning in the lowlands.
    I shall make weekly pilgrimages to swim in that lake.

  6. I’d much rather they just lower my cable bill. It goes up every couple of months, seems like. Come the new year, I’m cutting back, and if they give me any crap, I’ll cut the cord completely. I don’t watch that much TV anymore anyway, but I still get charged for it anyway.

    Anybody here remember when all it cost for TV (other than the set itself) was the price of a halfway decent antenna?

  7. I hate Comcast, I think they suck at what they do… They go offline like I live in Venezuela… BUT, investing 50 billion in telecom infrastructure CREATES JOBS and stimulates the economy.

  8. Anybody here remember when all it cost for TV (other than the set itself) was the price of a halfway decent antenna?>>

    I also remember having channel 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and UHF and it all went off the air at varying times after midnight and came on at 6am. And the summer was mostly reruns.

  9. I have never lived in a Comcast area and I am glad. But jobs and stimulus for the economy is a good thing. Most of those employees will be spending their $1,000 bonus too.


    Dear random faceless customer, unfortunately, the cost of doing business keeps rising. If you would like to keep your service, we will be charging an additional $5 per month. Thank you.

    It started at $25/mo, and by the time I actually looked at the bill, it was $50! I threatened to cancel, and they lowered it to $25 for a “three month trial” since I qualified.

    Rip-off artists. Do I have to download movies from McDonald’s WIFI from now on?

  11. OK BFH…..What the hell does Comcast produce?…..Comcast investing 50 billion in telecom infrastructure is like giving my cousin Annie $50 bucks, the keys to my truck and sending her to the liquor store….

  12. I’m old enough to remember when there were three TV channels – 2 (ABC), 11 (CBS) and 13 (NBC). Later we got 8 (PBS) and UHF Channel 39 (I forget what it was).

    Worst of all, you had to slog through eight or ten feet of shag carpet to change the channels. Many brave souls were lost that way (may they rest in peace forever).


  13. @ Rat
    “I swear that stupid ditz is more confused than a mood ring on a paranoid, bi-polar, schizophrenic chameleon trapped in a bag of Skittles!”
    I spit my beer through my nose. You owe me a beer.

    @ Golden
    “Go Trump, We Love You!”
    I don’t go head-over-heels over anyone wearing pants. Still I have the utmost respect for your opinion. Melania and Ivanka each grab my attention, however. Perhaps we’re talking about something different.

    @ BFH
    “Anybody here remember when all it cost for TV (other than the set itself) was the price of a halfway decent antenna?”
    Yeah. That was… now.

    @ All Too Much
    This was mine.

  14. When I was a kid, we had the first color TV on the block. I remember we got channels 2, 3, 8, 10, and UHF channels 15, 33, and 48…. depending on the weather.
    My son went out and bought an HD antenna for his flat screen and gets over 65 channels. He refuses to hook it up to cable or the internet.

  15. This is what the leftist will say:

    “[AT&T’s] announcement today is the exception, not the rule, when it comes to the biggest corporations spending their windfall,” read a release from Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) office on Wednesday.

    “There is a reason so few executives have said the tax bill will lead to more jobs, investments, and higher wages — because it will actually lead to
    share buybacks, corporate bonuses, and dividends.”

  16. Try to remember when Comcast bought NBC-Universal they acted pretty conservative in order to ensure the deal went through without government overwatch but went left after the deal was done. $50 billion is great but believe it when you see it and don’t complain when their rates go up with the justification of the huge cash outlay for improved service. Sorry, I just don’t trust liberals.

  17. Just left Comcast. Returned their equipment, finalized the account and even got a refund check – 1 month later was contacted by a collections agency saying I hadn’t returned the equipment and that I owe them $ 400.00.

    Lucky I kept all the receipts for the equipment and all it took was 2 e-mails to get those clowns off my back. Still waiting for an apology – I asked for one.

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